General Board of Global Ministries
Global Ministries – Who we are The General Board of Global Ministries is the global mission agency of The United Methodist Church, its annual conferences, missionary conferences, and local congregations. Purpose: Connecting the Church in mission Vision: The General Board of Global Ministries equips and transforms people and places for God's mission around the world.
Mission Goals of Global Ministries Make disciples of Jesus Christ Strengthen, develop, and renew Christian congregations and communities Alleviate human suffering Seek justice, freedom, and peace.
Global Ministries Program Areas Global Health Mission Engagement Missionary Services Global Mission Connections UMCOR
US Regional Office on Multicultural Ministries Responsible for connecting and collaborating with other agencies in the efforts to serve US Annual Conferences for mission programs related to Multicultural Ministries. Connects US mission projects related to ethnic ministry plans, human relations ministries, and native and indigenous ministries.
Community Developers Program Network of racial-ethnic congregations and communities throughout the United States committed to systematic change Work includes advocacy, economic development, youth organizing, addressing local needs, creating an awareness of national and international causes and effects The Community Developers Program was established to advance the church’s capacity to be in mission through congregations in partnership with the communities where they are located.
United Methodist Voluntary Service Serves as a resource to volunteer-based groups that “challenge unjust political, social, and economic systems which drain the energy and resources of the poor.” (GBGM website) Provides financial resources up to $10,000 Serves all congregations; not limited to racial/ethnic congregations
Racial/Ethnic Local Church Grant Funds are provided to assist local congregations and annual conference with projects and programs on one of the four focus areas: 1) Leadership Development; 2) Church Growth and Development; 3) Ministry with the Poor, and 4) Health Ministries. Two grant cycles each year February 23 July 23
Global Mission Fellows 2 year mission service opportunity for young adults ages 20-30 to work in social justice ministries Fellows either leave their communities to work in the United States or internationally Allows participants to address the root causes of oppression and alleviate human suffering alongside community organizations in a variety of issue areas
https://www. umcmission
Questions? Dana Lyles, PhD Director, US Office on Multicultural Ministries 404.460.7393