Ch. 12, 13, and 17 Test is Friday (warm-ups due on day of test) ECONOMICS: April 1 Warm-up Why does a lender of money have to factor in inflation when deciding the interest rate on the loan? Learning Target #1 In order to understand the importance of international trade, I will analyze exports and imports between the United States, Texas, and the rest of the world. I will know I have it when I can explain how trade can: (1) benefit individuals; (2) benefit businesses; and (3) benefit both the United States and its trading partners through specialization. Ch. 17, Lessons 1 & 2 Guide (HO) (TURN IN) Gallery Walk: exports vs. imports and U.S. trading partners; U.S. trade numbers; Texas at a glance; specialization Lecture: gains resulting from trade; impact of 9-11 on international trade Assignment Read Chapter 17, Lesson 2 Ch. 12, 13, and 17 Test is Friday (warm-ups due on day of test)