When we talk about these things it is normal to feel Curious Disgust Comfortable Excited Shy Embarrassed
Female Reproductive System Chapter 16 Female Reproductive System http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/17082-the-reproductive-system-female-video.htm What is happening to me????
When do changes happen? Anywhere between 8 and 17. Most people begin between the ages of 10 and 14. When you start makes no difference to how you develop. No age is better any other one. For some, most of the changes happen in a few years. For some, changes happen slowly over lots of years. This is normal.
What changes happen to girls? Get taller and heavier Bones grow bigger and heavier Hips get wider and more curvy Face changes shape Voice gets a little deeper Hair grows under the armpits, around the genitals (pubic hair) Hair on arms and legs grows darker Breasts get larger Body sweats more Internal and external sex organs grow May have mood swings, sexual thoughts and feelings
FUNCTIONS Produces female __________(estrogen) Storing the _______________ *female is born with 400,000 immature ova
STRUCTURES __________- stores the ova and produces the female sex hormone (estrogen) _____________pair of tubes with fingerlike projections that draws the ovum in __________- a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the uterus. ________small, pear shaped organ about the size of your fist ___________: opening to the uterus, and into the vagina
When will I get my period? Menstruation When will I get my period? No one can tell exactly when it will start. Ages 10-15 How long will the bleeding last? Each female is different. It can vary from 3 – 8 days. At first there may not be any pattern to when you will get your next period. Each person is different so some women may have a period every 23 days, some every 28 days and some every 35 days During a period we only lose a few tablespoons to about half a cup of blood in that time – not a lot.
CARE Hygiene _________- once a month Practice _____________ Get regular check-ups
What do I do when I get my period? Females use pads or tampons to catch the blood that comes from the vagina. Sanitary pads are made of material that absorbs the blood. Most have a sticky strip on one side to hold the pad to the underwear. Pads come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
What do I do when I get my period? A tampon is a small plug of material that fits inside the female’s vagina to absorb the blood. Some girls like to use tampons, especially if they are doing physical activities. Some girls only use pads. It is up to you. Back to Care
Problems ________________cramps at beginning of period ___________________several days to 2 weeks before period. Symptoms include nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain, and bloating ________- ages 15-19 Rare but serious! Signs include rash, sudden fever, vomiting, dizziness
Problems Blocked fallopian tube- _________________(abdominal surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease are main causes) ____________________-infection of fallopian tubes, ovaries or surrounding areas. Can be caused by STD _________________- 2nd leading cause of infertility. Uterine tissue grows outside reproductive organs. Ovarian cysts- ________________________ ______________-most found during BSE Cancer of cervix, uterus, and ovaries- pap test is how this is found. Early sexual activity and family history increases chances.