Swine Show Clinic Jerrod Crumpton Alvarado FFA
Objective Prepare you for the upcoming show season Supplies Feed Grooming Agenda Showmanship Skills Video Clip Go to animal area
Supplies Show Stick-new Clothing Brush (dark hogs) Rag (light hogs) Feed & Supplements Soap Towels Hanging Feeder
Feed Enough to last you 4 days Feed Supplements Fat Paylean
Grooming We will clip a few days before show- schedule will be set Wash several times a week two weeks out Revive! Regular soap (dark) GoJo (white) Not gritty! Brush with hair Sullivans Show Supply, Lonestar Ag, Joshua Feed
Agenda Show is Feb. 27- Mar. 5 Set up is 27 Load Wed. morning and check in Pigs show Fri. morning Sale Sat. morning Clean up Mon. afternoon- evening MANDATORY!!!
Showmanship Skills Always keep pig moving Keep pig between you and judge Watch judge Dont get by judges feet, stay about 8 away STYLE! This is a show! Try to touch pig little as possible
Showmanship Skills If pig wont move, or in a corner, use your hand It is chaos Not picked at first, keep driving! If picked, raise hand Exercise- work up to 30-40min without pig breathing heavy Shake judges hand before you leave ring Good time is during the reasons
Video Clip sMSP9Q&feature=related sMSP9Q&feature=related