After Baptism What Then Things “US” SHOULD Know... WE are disciple of Christ Mt 28:19-20; 11:28-30 WE must keep His commandments Jn 8:31; 14:15,21 WE have been added to His church Ac 2:41,47 WE must continue steadfastly in faith Ac 2:42; Re 2:10 We must grow in grace & knowledge of JESUS CHRIST 2Pe 3:18; As you begin your discipleship, what should you keep in mind?
In view of such things, what should you do? After Baptism, What Then? Things To Remember... WE are a new creature… 2Co 5:17; Ro 6:3-4 WE are a babe in Christ 1Co 3:1-2; He 5:12-14 WE are in a critical period Ep 4:14; 1Pe 5:8 WE can lose your salvation He 3:12-14; 1Co 10:12-13 WE are to be a good example 1Ti 4:12; Ti 2:7 In view of such things, what should you do?
This will help insure that “US” remain in God’s grace! After Baptism, What Then? Things To Do... Keep God first in OUR life Mt 6:33; Mt 22:37 Study the Word of God 1Pe 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 2: 15 Be fervent in prayer He 4:14-16; James 5: 16; Ph 4:6-7 Be diligent in assembling with other Christians He 10:24-25; Ac 2:42 This will help insure that “US” remain in God’s grace!
What Must I Do To Be Saved? Hear the Gospel (Romans 10: 17) Believe the Gospel ( Mark 16:16) Repent of Sins (Luke 13: 3) Confess Christ (Romans 10: 9-10) Be Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2: 38; 22: 16)