Arctic SDI: Interoperability Framework @martenhogeweg
Increasing Use of Government Data Collect Store Serve Discover Use Research Earth Observation Imagery Data Products Web Access GeoEvent Applications In-situ Sensor Networks Portal Cloud Big Data A LOT OF EFFORT GOING INTO BUILDING PORTALS, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DATA? AND WHAT ABOUT USING THIS DATA TO ANSWER THE REAL QUESTIONS? Geoprocessing Geospatial Platform GIS Maps
Esri Support for the Arctic SDI and OGC Testbed 12 Provide Generic Viewer WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS, KML ArcGIS REST OGC Context document Provide OGC Context view of ArcGIS Online Web Maps Koop Provide Arctic SDI Content DEM Landsat IFSAR OGC WCS + Web Application This web application enables the investigation into a collection of Arctic DEMs. These are primarily created by the Polar Geospatial Center covering the majority of the Arctic. These are preliminary datasets and have yet to be cleaned up and corrected. The app also provides access to DEMs of Alaska collected by USGS using Ifsar. Additionally large collections of Multispectral Landsat data collected for the Arctic are also accessible. These services are temporal and the app provides tools to review how Arctic has changed over time.
Arctic SDI Contributions Demo Arctic SDI Client Image Server Client …
Arctic Spatial Data Pilot
Arctic SDI Geodesign Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Data Inventory (observation) Process modeling (forecasting) Suitability Models (allocation model) Design (scenarios) Evaluate (impacts) Decisions Renewable Energy Financial ‘the board’ Constraints Innovation Environmental Use types Drivers Evaluation Criteria Principles Transportation … Drivers Drivers Policy Interpretation Objectives Economic development Climate trends