Chapter 1: Why Do Research?
HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT WE KNOW? "Research is an ongoing process of searching and working toward the truth." (p. 5)
Horoscopes and astrology “Large numbers of people, even in the US in 21st century, continue to believe in things that research repeatedly demonstrates to be false, such as… UFOs and ESP Horoscopes and astrology Unscientific thinking about age of earth or basic forces of nature Goblins, demons, witches, evil spirits, devils” (pp. 5-6)
Developing Critical Thinking Skills Critical thinking: a highly aware perspective that tries to avoid fallacies, reveal assumptions, adopt multiple viewpoints, and keep an open mind while questioning simple solutions
WHAT IS EMPIRICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH? closely studying documents, to attain deeper understanding, reveal patterns and themes, to find ultimate truth gathering pre-existing info and making sense of it, synthesizing the findings; but not treating all “evidence: equally a process of applying accepted techniques and principles, to ask questions certain ways, gather info systematically, measure precisely, draw samples… applying critical thinking and adopting an orientation
What is Evidence? Qualititative data: evidence in form of images, words, or sounds Quantitative data: evidence in form of numbers
Varieties of Social Research: different techniques for collecting data Quantitative data collection techniques: Experiment Surveys Content Analysis Existing statistical sources Qualitative data collection techniques Ethnographic field research Historical-comparative research
FIT THE QUESTION YOU WANT TO ANSWER WITH A TYPE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Exploratory research Descriptive research Explanatory research Evaluation research
HOW TO USE RESEARCH Basic research: research to advance basic understanding and fundamental knowledge about the world by creating and testing theories Applied research: research to answer a specific practical question and provide usable answers in the short-term