DEMOSTRATION You will hear some words, and see some pictures, one at a time. You need to write down the first couple of words that come into your head and on your whiteboard and hold it up. No talking, no shouting out… just your thoughts on a whiteboard..
Now think of the object of a dream you recently had. Write down 3 words that come to your mind as you think of that object!
Free Association: A method used by Freud in psychoanalysis where the patient is encouraged to express a flow of consciousness. The process helps to uncover links which can then be interpreted.
FREUD and ANALYSING DREAMS Objectives: 1)To describe Freuds 3 methods his therapy 2)To describe PSYCHOANALYSIS as a therapy for a patient 3)To evaluate psychoanalysis – understand the pros and cons
Recall: what do we already know about Freuds ideas and explanations of behaviour? 1.Where does Freud say that behaviour originates? 2.Identify some examples of mental illness. 3.Where do dreams come from according to Freud? 4.There are 2 parts to dreams – what are they? Examples? 5.Did Freud believe in common symbols and interpretations for dreams? 6.What are condensation, displacement and secondary elaboration? 7.What does he say are the reasons for mental illness? 8.Why is Freud so important a figure in mental illness? 9.Who can access our unconscious mind? 10.What does subjective mean?
You have a go… Ashmur dreamt about being a little boy and being in a large boat about to go under a bridge that was too low. In the dream he was in the boat alone, and there were two people, one on each bank, shouting at him. He was too frightened to get out of the boat and be confronted by those on the banks, and terrified because the bridge was too low.
You have a go… The two people, one on each bank could be Ashmurs parents. Their shouting could be interpreted as fear that a small boy might have of his parents as they are in authority. There could have been a past experience of a boat trip that was frightening. Or the boat could represent Ashmur himself, feeling insecure and not on firm ground. The low bridge could represent a block of some sort that in Ashmurs life was holding him back. This could be not being able to be promoted in his job, feeling trapped in his personal life or some other reason for feeling trapped.
The FREUDIAN SLIP Watch this!
I use psychoanalysis to understand the unconscious and to cure mental illness Your task: To advertise Freuds Clinic and therapies for him!
I use psychoanalysis to understand the unconscious 1.Free association 2.Freudian slips (slips of the tongue) 3.Dream analysis Finding the latent content from the manifest content This means using free association along with a description of a dream These are all ways the unconscious can be reached – and the analyst can interpret them. Helping to achieve good mental health
Task: To be completed today.. Create a dream clinic poster advertising Psychoanalysis at Freuds clinic. You need to include: What psychoanalysis is used for Description of the methods How it will help (aim of method) You should include: Examples (e.g. of a Freudian slip, manifest, latent content) What it will feel like from the perspective of the patient You could include: The pros and cons of the therapy Evaluative points (e.g. as a health warning..!) Pgs 56 – 59 will help
Rounding up: 1)Would you like to be one of Freuds patients? 2)Give 2 reasons