Social and ethical criteria in the EU Ecolabel scheme Łukasz Woźniacki, Ecolabel Coordinator 23-24 November 2011 Brussels
Green and consumer NGOs is EU EB Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs. Established in 1962. 43 members’ organisations: Which?, Stiftung Warentest, Que Choisir, OCU, Test-Achats, Consumentenbond… 31 European countries (26 EU Member States). Focus on general consumer policy issues. European Environmental Bureau. Established in 1974. More than 140 members from 31 countries. Co-funded by the European Commission. EEB stands for sustainable development, environmental justice and global equity.
Social and ethica criteria Art. 6, §3e of Ecolabel Regulation June 2011 – presentation by BEUC/EEB and Okoinstitut Creation of task force group 2 EC, 2 MSs, 2 NGOs, 2 Industry+ JRC IPTS providing technical support + experts who could be invited to contribute on a case by case basis (experts reimbursed?)
I – gathering members interested - creation of task force group - gathering documents, ideas... DECEMBER 2011/ JANUARY 2012 II – conference call to set agenda JANUARY 2012
III – meeting of task force group (connected with AHWG/ EUEB) MARCH 2012 IV – first outcome presented during EUEB JUNE 2012 V – second meeting of task force group SEPTEMBER 2012
VI – presentation of final document TASK FORCE GROUP VI – presentation of final document EU EB NOVEMBER 2012
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