What are some of the ways that the U.S. government responded to 9/11? 5/23/14 “The U.S. response to 9/11” What are some of the ways that the U.S. government responded to 9/11? On desk: 9/11 & U.S. response reading & Cornell Notes news.nationalgeographic.com www.businessinsider.com
September 11th, 2001 – What did U.S. govt. do? Oct. 2001 – U.S. invades Afghanistan May 2011 – Navy SEALS kill bin Laden at compound in Pakistan commons.wikimedia.org www.telegraph.co.uk
September 11th, 2001 – What did the U.S. govt. do? www.dhs.gov www.dhs.gov www.nation.com.pk www.upi.com
September 11th, 2001 – What did the U.S. govt. do? michaelpower.ca www.docstoc.com
5/23/14 World History Agenda Watch 102 Minutes That Changed America (9/11 documentary) HW: None! **Honors: Meeting after school Tues. (3 – 4pm)
102 Minutes That Changed America (History Channel, 2011) www.imdb.com