Faranani Working Together in building a foundation for the future Sustainable Land Based Livelihoods Working for Tourism Working for Wetlands Working for Water Land rehabilitation Working on Fire Support for tourism enterprises Heritage Development Infrastructure provision Working on Waste Working for the Coast Working for the Coast Upgrade Coastal Infrastructure Sustainable Coastal livelihoods Waste recycling initiatives, Buy back centres, Rehabilitation of Secondary Pollution, Greening People and Parks Sustainable harvesting of natural resources
Special Poverty Relief Allocation DEAT is among Departments that have been receiving the SPRA in previous financial years(2001/2-2003/4) SPRA Funding of R175, R240, R300m Created 34 632 temporary job opportunities during project implementation, 45% women, 22% youth, 2% disabled, 1024 SMME’s 268 920 training days and 2324 permanent jobs after project completion.
MTEF allocation earmarked funds For 2004/5 to 2006/7 MTEF cycle an allocation of R1024bn earmarked funds Funds planned to contribute to the Expanded Public Works Programme and support delivery in the rural and urban nodes Target outputs 67 303 job opportunities, 740 335 training days (50% women, 30% youth, 2% disabled)
GOAL OF EPWP To alleviate unemployment for a minimum of one million people in South Africa between 2004 and 2009.
PURPOSE OF EPWP Over five years to create temporary work opportunities and income for at least 1 million unemployed South Africans To provide needed public goods and services, labour-intensively, at acceptable standards, through public and private sector resources and capacity. increase the potential for at least 15% of public works participants to earn future income by providing work experience, training and information related to local work opportunities, further education and training and SMME development.
EXPECTATION Encourage procurement that support labour intensive approaches To review tender conditions to support labour intensive approaches in procurement of goods and services National, Provincial and Local Government to set targets and keep records for monitoring and evaluation
EXPECTATION Log-framework outlines the EPWP targets Infrastructure - PublicWorks Environment and Culture - DEAT Economic – DTI Social – Social Development Required Sector commitments for the EPWP are beyond the Poverty Relief funding contribution
EXPECTATION Departments are expected to provide their normal services, the issue is How? Departments must identify existing programmes that lend themselves to labour intensive service delivery Set target budget contributions (eg 10% MTEF budget )
PROCESS A Sector DG’s committee has been set up, meets quaterly (next meeting 10 June 2004) A coordination mechanism with Provinces is being initiated A common M&E system and bench marks set-up Targets per sector department already set Targets per Province must be set
ISRDP & URP PROGRAMMES ISRDS was developed, President - 13 rural nodes, 8 urban nodes Founded on the fundamentals of integrated planning in dealing with the challenges local economic development and poverty reduction Nominated political and technical champions for each node Coordination overall through DPLG supported by IDT (IDTT, URF, Nodal Delivery Teams) National lead departments, DEAT leads the area on environmental improvement and support local economic development
ISRDP, URP continues… 40% of DEAT earmarked funds allocated to nodes Alignment of DEAT Priorities with IDPs & PGDPs 13 Environmental workers in process of being deployed to the nodal areas Piloting implementation through compliance with the Division of Revenue Act In kind contributions (assets owned by the municipalities) Conditional grants
OUTPUTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE SECTOR 200 000 unemployed acquire work & income in the environmental sector EPWP between 2004/5 and 2008 Participants in the environmental sector receive a total of 2,218,735 training days linked to job requirements and exit strategies 5000 learnerships, Short courses or skills programmes offered
OUTPUTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE SECTOR (cont) Continued employment opportunities for at least 10% of participants in the environmental sector before projects come to an end 400 emerging contractors trained in managing labour intensive contracts 150 agencies trained in managing labour intensive contracts
OUTPUTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE SECTOR (cont) 20 Officials capacitated to manage labour intensive contracts 200 000 Hectares cleared of alien vegetation 40 Wetlands rehabilitated 20 Fire protection associations supported 700 Km of coast cleaned and facilities upgraded
OUTPUTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE SECTOR (cont) 10 000 Ha of land rehabilitated 32 Waste management programmes established 150 historical and community tourism projects established through labour intensive delivery
MINISTER & DEPUTY MINISTER To champion the programmes for the sector To provide support through advocacy To be conversant with the key strategies or messages of the sector To inform the strategic processes and direction
MILESTONE SCHEDULE TO OBJECTIVES Project monitoring and evaluation . Restart annual Process by July Project concepts definition Project implementation Inputs from key stakeholders Projects shortlisting Projects based on key focus areas Business plan approval u Support consultants appointment Business plans completion Feasibility and social facilitation Training Programme and Leanerships developed Definition of institutional arrangements