STAFFING There are 3 Year Five classes: Ganges, Mississippi and Yangtze. Ganges Class Teacher: Louise Kwa Mississippi Class Teacher: Aaron Roberts Yangtze Class Teacher: Claire Dinata
KS2 framework Core subjects: Foundation subjects: English Mathematics Science Foundation subjects: Art and Design Computing Design and Technology Geography History Music Physical Education French PSHE RE
How we support learning in Reading Providing quality texts for study in English lessons. Offering lots of choice in books to take home. Sharing whole class books. Working together daily to read and talk about texts together (guided reading and comprehension). Inviting authors and poets in to talk about their work. Setting an example as staff who love reading!
How we support learning in Mathematics Y5,6 High quality, mastery driven daily Maths teaching. Maths meetings including mental arithmetic and number facts including times tables. Cross curricular links to our topic curriculum. Focus on conceptual understanding by teaching with the concrete, pictorial, abstract method (see calculation policy). Opportunities to problem solve using manipulatives and visuals. Targeted, personalised support. ‘Keep up, not catch up’. Link to Website – Curriculum – Maths calculation strategy guidance.
How we support learning in Writing Providing exciting and engaging opportunities for children to write throughout the curriculum. Modelling good writing practises to allow children to become fluent and confident writers. Providing exciting opportunities to respond to engaging literature through a variety of genres of writing. Giving the children purpose for their writing. Supporting grammar, spelling and punctuation learning.
How to help your child at home KS2 Reading- 20 minutes a day School readiness – good night’s sleep, breakfast, calm journey to school, interest in education. Homework: Maths- Weekly homework task – set on Friday, due in on Wednesday Spelling – support to learn lists (fortnightly) VLE homework task
Reading at home Establish a reading habit Talk to your child about their reading “Bookmark” rewards at school Recommended books list
What is My Learning, our VLE? VLE = Virtual Learning Environment
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