aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectum look towards, catch sight of
careo, carere, carui, caritum (+abl) lack, be without
condo, condere, condidi, conditum hide, found
coniungo, coniungere, coniunxi, coniunctum join
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum grow
cupido, cupidinis f. desire
felix, felix, felix, gen.felicis lucky, happy
ignotus, ignota, ignotum unknown
impono, imponere, imposui, impositum put into, put onto, impose
licet, licere, licuit be allowed
mihi licet I am allowed
pateo, patere, patui lie open
paulatim gradually
possideo, possidere, possedi, possessum
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitum search for, ask
tellus, telluris, f. land, earth
una (cum) together with
uterque, utraque, utrumque both, each of two
-ve or velut like, as
vinculum, vinculi, n. fastening, chain
tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem (Vergil) Such a great task it was to found the Roman people
(Juvenal) No evil man is lucky(happy) nemo malus felix (Juvenal) No evil man is lucky(happy)
crescit in adversis virtus (Lucan) Virtue grows in adversity
non licet omnibus adire Corinthum (Horace) Not everyone is allowed to go to Corinth