Ola Awad, PCBS President Expert Group Meeting on the indicator framework for the post-2015 development agenda, 25-26 February 2015 in New York Views, Recommendations & Concerns on the architecture of SDGs Indicators Ola Awad, PCBS President Palestine
National Views and Concerns Large number of indicators Detailed level of disaggregation Although the final proposed indicators is not agreed yet, but it seems the potential list is too large . It is enough to have the main ones as proxy for the monitoring.
National Views and Concerns The need for developing new methodologies and measurement tools for the SDGs indicators It will take long time, huge efforts to agree with the new adopted methodologies, in addition no guarantees for unifying the concepts and the scope.
National Views and Concerns Administrative records is the main source for data on the SDGs indicators As the status of the administrative records in many developing countries still weak and suffer from shortages regard the quality, timeliness, and coverage, this is a main concern how it will fulfill and meet the reporting against SDGs
National Views and Concerns The expected high cost for providing the data on the proposed indicators By identifying large number of indicators and using new methodologies & measurement tools, it will be much costy
Recommendations Prioritize indicators to main ones and secondary ones. Classify the indicators by the periodicity of measurement (short term-long term) Enlarge the scale of basing the administrative record by developing such component. The need to bridge the gap between developed & developing countries regarding data availability Within the indicators, raising up the performance of the international organizations (including UN agencies) and the strategies of its plans. National efforts There is a need to classify the set of the indicators (nationally and internationally) to main ones and secondary ones, in other words compulsory and voluntary indicators for reporting against. This could be in the format of using the huge database of the NSOs as background indicators International
Themes that might be of interest for discussion