Re-imagine. 1. Empower one and all to vigorously seek WOW Re-imagine!* 1.Empower one and all to vigorously seek WOW! in their work/projects. (Or else.) 2. Encourage the entrepreneurial (Brand You) spirit in people of all ages; lead the parade of those aiming to “Free the Cubicle Slaves.” 3. Urge education “bureaucrats” (From kindergarten to MBA schools) to emphasize the arts, creativity, entrepreneurial behavior. 4. Seek out the bold, the strange, the misfits, the dreamers—and welcome their presence in our midst. 5. Drag enthusiasm, passion, Technicolor and bold commitment out of the closet. 6. Be a champion for: Women Roar! Women Rule! 7. Underscore the importance of/stupendous opportunities associated with the “cool new markets”: women, boomers and geezers, Hispanics, greenies, wellness. 8. Dramatically re-orient healthcare from after-the-fact “fixes” to before-the-fact attention to prevention-wellness. 9. Nurture the “lesser” “intangibles”—such as design/experiences and innovation—as the prime basis for individual and enterprise success. 10. Support Globalization as the best/only—if indeed messy—path to maximum human freedom, security and welfare. 11. Fight bureaucratic rigidities, centralization and mindless gigantism to the death. 12. Swear by the motto: “Reward excellent failures; punish mediocre successes.” 13. Foster a “sense of grace and care” in enterprises and organization-client transactions of all flavors. *Why I get out of bed in the morning/TP/07.12.2004
All You Need to Know About “Strategy” 1 All You Need to Know About “Strategy” 1. Do you have awesome Talent … everywhere? (“We are the Yankees of home improvement here in Omaha.”) Do you push that Talent to pursue audacious Quests? 2. Is your Talent Pool loaded with wonderfully peculiar people who others would call “problems”? 3. Is your Board of Directors as cool as your product offerings … and does it have 50% (or at least one-third) Women Members? 4. Are Innovation and Entrepreneurship your primary aims? 5. Do you routinely use hot, aspirational words-terms like “Excellence” and B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal, per Jim Collins) and “Let’s make a dent in the Universe” (the Word according to Steve Jobs)? 6. Do you subscribe to Jerry Garcia’s dictum: “We do not merely want to be the best of the best, we want to be the only ones who do what we do”? 7. Do you embrace the new technologies with child-like enthusiasm/revolutionary zeal? 8. Do you “serve” customers … or go berserk attempting to provide every customer with an “awesome experience” that automatically turns her/him into a “raving fan”? 9. Are your leaders accessible? Do they wear their passion on their sleeves? Is yours a “hot place to hang out” and “learn cool stuff”? 10. Does integrity ooze out of every pore of the enterprise? Is “We care” your implicit motto? 11. Do you understand business mantra #1 of the ’00s: DON’T TRY TO COMPETE WITH WAL*MART ON PRICE OR CHINA ON COST? (And if you get this last idea, then see the 10 above!)