Gallery Walk about who is Ha
Quickly take out your ISN I will walk by to check that you completed both QuickWrite 1 and 2.
Who Is Ha? Gallery Walk Take a few sticky notes/note cards/piece of paper per group the purpose is to quickly see others’ thinking. You will look at the other charts and jot down, on your sticky notes, aspects of Ha’s character, and the evidence the other groups have used. You will then get to add these notes to your Character Analysis of Ha chart in your ISN.
Character Analysis chart On your chart, Were there any new details did you gathered about Ha and her situation?
Mid Unit Assessment (30 min) Please take out: a pen or pencil (I recommend a pencil so you can erase if needed) ALL “Inside Out & Back Again” Packets Your ISNs
Homework Complete a first reading of pages 22–41, from “Unknown Father” through “Promises.” Keep noticing what the critical incidents and key details are helping us learn about Ha. Use your journal to record your notes.