The Early Ministry & Selection of Disciples Lesson 6
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Where? Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the feast. Near the sheep gate (Nehemiah 3:1) there was a pool called Bethesda around which were five porticoes or porches. Why called the sheep gate?
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH At these porticoes would lie a “multitude” of “sick, blind, lame, and withered.” It is stated that an angel stirred the waters of the pool and the first to enter was healed.
John 5:1-47 Just a note that though originally doubted, archaeologists discovered the pool in 1956 exactly as described in the scriptures with five porticoes.
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH One such man had been infirm for 38 years. Jesus saw him and knew he had been afflicted “a long time.” John 9:1 (of age; all his life) Mark 5:25 (12 years) Luke 13:11 (18 years) Jesus asked him: “Do you wish to get well?”
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH “Do you wish to get well?” What type of answer should this question elicit? What type of answer did Jesus receive? “Wish” – not just a preference (as we use the word today) but “to be resolved or determined” (Thayer) Matthew 15:28; 16:24; 19:17
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH This man’s response: “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up …” How did he see his situation? Who is he looking to for his help? God or man?
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH He had been doing the same thing and getting the same results. Jesus asked a yes or no question! Yes, I wish to get well! No, I want to remain as I am.
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Sometimes, like this man, we are dealt a hand that may not be ideal. Things that are not of our choosing. But what is of our choosing is how we will respond. Compare with the paralytic we just studied in Luke 5:17-26. But what we need to ask is, do we want to get well or are we just looking for the symptoms to go away?
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Consider the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)? Ultimately, what was he looking for? The hunger pains to go away or to be fully restored to a relationship (of a servant) with his father? Do we really want to be made well or just have relief of the temporal consequences?
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Do you really “wish” to get well or do you want to be the victim and blame others? (Adam and Eve – Genesis 3:12; Aaron – Exodus 32:21ff; Saul – 1 Samuel 15:21) Are you willing to pay the price or do you just want to take a pill to make the symptoms go away? Consider the rich young ruler. Matthew 19:16-22 Count the cost! Luke 14:25-28. Do you really want to be My disciple? Consider David and his attitude that he would not offer to God that which cost him nothing. (2 Samuel 24:24)
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Jesus said to him: “Arise” (Matthew 9:6) “(Through the idea of collecting one’s faculties) to waken … i.e., rouse” (Strong). “To arouse from sleep, to awake” (Thayer). cf. Romans 13:11ff; Ephesians 5:14. Elijah, 1 Kings 19 – “What are you doing here?” The prodigal son, Luke 15:18 – “I will get up (arise, ASV).” Don’t stay where you are and remain in your state of stupor and lethargy – Jeremiah 8:4; Proverbs 24:16 Don’t delay. Acts 22:16
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Jesus said to him: “Take up your pallet” “To sail away (i.e., weigh anchor)” (Strong). “To take up as a yoke (Matthew 11:28); bear or carry as a burden (Matthew 27:32)” (Zodhiates) Don’t leave it there so you can’t go back. Count the cost and make the sacrifices.
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH Jesus said to him: “Walk” Both literally and figuratively; “to tread all around … figuratively, to live, deport oneself, follow …” (Strong). “To regulate one’s life, to conduct oneself” (Thayer). “Signifying the whole round of the activities of the individual life …” (Vine). He was to have a changed “walk.” Verse 14 Where will our walk take us? Romans 6:3-4; Ephesians 4:1, 17; 5:15; Colossians 1:10
THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH John 5:1-47 THE HEALING OF A MAN ON THE SABBATH The response: “Immediately the man became well, and took up his pallet and began to walk” Where did he immediately walk? Verse 14; Luke 17:5-10 The problem for the Jews who witnessed this? “Now it was the Sabbath on that day.”