Properties of Addition and Multiplication
Commutative Property Commutative Property of Addition--changing the order in which you add does not change the sum. So, More Examples:
Commutative Property Commutative Property of Multiplication--changing the order in which you multiply numbers doesn’t change the product. So, More Examples:
Associative Property Associative Property of Addition--changing the way the numbers are grouped does not change the sum. Add parenthesis to show Associative Property So,
Associative Property Associative Property of Multiplication--changing the way the numbers are grouped does not change the product. Add parenthesis to show Associative Property
Identity Property Identity Property of Addition--if you add zero to a number, you get the same number! 0 is called the identity of addition!!
Identity Property Identity Property of Multiplication--if you multiply a number by 1, you get the same number! 1 is called the identity of multiplication!!
Zero Property (of Multiplication) Any number multiplied by 0 equals 0!
Inverse Property Inverse Property of Multiplication--a number multiplied by its reciprocal equals 1.
Inverse Property Additive Inverse Property--a number plus its opposite equals 0.
Distributive Property A number outside parenthesis gets multiplied by every number inside parenthesis.
Identify the Property Commutative Prop. Of Multiplication Identity Prop. Of Addition Zero Property Associative Prop. Of Addition Identity Prop. Of Multiplication