How to survive your PPE exams! Year 11 Ensure you know what exams you have each day Ensure you arrive on time for the exam Check that you have the correct equipment for each exam Ensure you have a good nutritious diet Ensure you have a quiet area to study Ensure you get a good night’s sleep
Students will have early lunch each day commencing at 12.55pm Yr 11 PPE Study Plan 2018 From Thursday 6th December to Friday 14th December 2018 all Year 11 students should complete their PPE exams in accordance to their personalised timetable If students are not in a timetabled exam they should attend their normal timetabled lesson When in a normal timetabled lesson students will be expected to complete independent revision and will be supervised by their usual subject teacher Students need to bring the necessary revision materials to school to ensure this time is utilised and effective revision can be conducted by all students It is imperative that the students are punctual to their exams and have all the necessary equipment Students will have early lunch each day commencing at 12.55pm If students leave the site for lunch they must be back on site for 1.30pm to commence the afternoon exams at 1.45pm
Yr 11 Important Notice Please be aware that mobile phones, school bags and coats are not permitted in the exam room. Students should either leave their phones at home or store them in a locker. We are unable to store phones, bags or coats for students during an exam
Entering the Hall for your exams Please wait outside in the areas marked blue closest to the door you need to enter the hall from to access your row (Stated on your timetable). Please see diagram below for instructions. Please follow the arrows for the door you need to enter the hall from. E block entrance School Hall D block entrance Door 4- Rows H-J Acorn Centre-Doors 1 & 2 Telly Tuby Cage- Door 3 & 4 C block entrance Rows E-G Door 1- B block entrance Rows K-N Door 3- Door 2- Rows A-D Reception