Future Technology Regions Viorel Peca HoU FET Emerging regions of technology Future regions of technology
How competitive is my region? How competitive is my region? Or my country? I bet this question is on the minds of most if not all the regional or national leaders! But what if this question is pointing us in the wrong direction? But what if this is about the past and not the future. But what if this is the wrong question? And if so what is the right question then?
Artificial Photosynthesis How can we become the most competitive region of Europe? Imagine your region would solve this problem? It could be a university a research lab or a company Your region would become the new Saudi Arabia, the new Norway, the new center of Europe! Picture: A-LEAF consortium Mission: build an “artificial leaf” that converts carbon dioxide and water to oxygen and fuels using solar energy.
Sprit of FET Go far beyond what is considered a standard technology From new knowledge … … to new technologies Describe how the EIC funding schemes and accompanying measures launched under the current Pilot can enhance the emergence and rapid scale-up of highly innovative enterprises.
From investing in infrastructure … to investing in future How to do it? Go far beyond what is considered a standard use of regional funds From investing in infrastructure … to investing in future technologies Transform Europe's excellent regions with future technologies
Make your region a future technology region Conclusion Make your region a future technology region