Bodelwyddan Castle 21 October 2005 eNWI Bodelwyddan Castle 21 October 2005
The story of a ‘Nurses for Nurses’ collaboration in Wales eNWI The story of a ‘Nurses for Nurses’ collaboration in Wales Dame June Clark Chair RCN Information in Nursing Forum
How did it start? RCN IN Forum meeting in Cardiff March 2004 identified the need: Informing Healthcare being implemented; A few nurses knew about it and were worried about their lack of involvement and ability to influence; Most nurses knew nothing about it and were unaware of its implications for nursing practice. Willingness of nursing organisations to work together on behalf on nursing and nurses (including Midwives and health visitors) in Wales to: Raise awareness and improve “readiness” of nurses in Wales Ensure nursing involvement and influence
How did it start? Willingness to ‘risk’ trying to do something about it Willingness of Informing Healthcare to join in, allowing nurses to remain autonomous Existence of established facilities (eg UK e-Health Group Web Page, existing interest groups in Wales) which could be brought together and utilised
How did it start? Small multi-organisational group of enthusiasts worked together to hold a Conference at RCN in Cardiff in November 2004 to launch such a group; “Informing Healthcare: Informing Nursing” conference November 2004: 70 people attended. Co-ordinating committee formalised; regional reps appointed. Competition to decide a name.
eNWI means….. … name e e-health N Nurses in W Wales I Information and Informatics
Collaborators: Representing nurses (the organisations) RCN RCM CPHVA BCS eHNN Aligning energies
Collaborators: Those who can make it happen Informing Healthcare CNO’s Office WNMC Aligning energies
Collaborators: The grass roots Regional reps: North Mid and West South and East Group gradually increasing….. Aligning energies
What does eNWI do? Co-ordinating committee meets, using videoconferencing and teleconferencing. Shares information; identifies opportunities to influence; offers expertise. We have a web site with pages for all the regions We maintain a listserve for all who join via the web site (no cost, no requirement to belong to any particular organisation)
What does eNWI do? Emerging/evolving role – trying to establish an independent, autonomous nurse voice across Wales We have representatives from all the regions/areas of Wales – reflecting local realities We are expanding/establishing according to need Today …. our own first eNWI CONFERENCE…..
Naming Nursing in an Information Age 21st October Denbighshire, North Wales New Nursing Model for Wales to be shared and discussed Exciting opportunity for nurses (and midwives and Health Visitors) to get involved and engaged From an owned nursing perspective
That’s eNWI so far……. Achieved a great deal in 11 months Much to do Evolving and emerging Willing to share with colleagues across UK Not yet 100% right – but getting there! Nursing in Wales is doing something for itself – and together at last Long live togetherness!
How to join us? Go onto our website as soon as you can and complete a contact form – leave the rest to us!