How to Avoid Plagiarism The 5 rules
Rule 1 When presenting a fact that is not common knowledge, always cite the source Common knowledge: Facts that are widely known EX: George Washington was the first president
Rule 2 When writing about an idea, make clear whose idea it is. Cite anything that didn’t come from your own brain!
Rule 3 When writing about someone else’s ideas, always cite the source
Rule 4 When using someone else’s words, use quotation marks
Rule 5 When paraphrasing, use completely original wording and cite the source Paraphrase: expressing the same meaning/information with different words Use in-text citations!!!!!!
Citing your sources Works cited: In-text citations At the end of your paper MLA format In-text citations Directly after the information IN YOUR PAPER (author page) EX: Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263). When a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead A reader should be able to easily reference your in-text citations in your works cited