Winter 2013 Residence Life Training
Session Outline Welcome back Spring Calendar Staff Selection 2013-2014 SA, ResLife, Housing, Duty, Programming Updates Conduct Overview & Focus Areas A ResLife Journey: The TCN Journey Spring 2013. Work Hard. Play Hard.
Important Dates HR Interviews: Weeks 1 & 2 ResLife Reception, Jan. 30 at 9:30PM, Osceola Returning RA Interviews: Week of Feb. 4 Group Process Day 1: Feb. 3, 6-9pm Group Process Day 2: Feb. 4, 6-9pm New RA Interview Day: Feb. 9, 10am-5pm
Important Dates 2 Monthly Reports: due by 10am via email Feb. 4, Mar. 4, Apr. 1 Bulletin Boards Jan. 13, Feb. 15, Mar. 18, Apr. 15
Student Affairs Updates New PT Director of Safety & Security: Ms. Jennifer Boucher Development of new safety and security initiatives Supervision of NightWatch Staff Federal compliance initiatives Grand Re-Opening of Wellness Center Chad Matthews, HOH, resigned
Staffing Changes Welcome back, Tiah Atkins! Elisha Owens has moved to Zahn 1 All staffs have moved from 10 to 9 staffers Please see new staff roster (SP13) New position approved to begin June 1: full-time Assistant Director of Residence Life
Housing Updates Fire safety and alarm reduction efforts New fire safety reminders posted by all microwaves Microwave sensors in all res halls and first-year houses 172 and 272 Clay shut down for semester Both houses may be used by facilities staff during snow storms if necessary
Duty Updates Junior/Senior Houses: Check exterior; if no obvious issue, entering house is unnecessary Align better with apartment options Double coverage on Tues. and Sat. only 3 rounds Tues, Fri, Sat 2 rounds: Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs Adjunct professor in 355 Apartment 14 (exterior entrance)
Programming Updates TU2Nite BUdget: up to $1,000 per neighborhood 3 TU2Nites designated for each neighborhood Individual programming budget: $30 per semester per staff member Each staff member should execute at least one program for individual residents (in teams or individually)
Student Conduct Reminders Student conduct letter delivery; pick up duty materials after 5pm whenever possible Can be slipped under door if no delivery slip Date and time of incident Particularly post-midnight Notifying students upon documentation Completing student information Full name, class rank, on campus location (all within housing worksheet)
Student Conduct Numbers Conduct by the numbers... 230 Incident Reports filed Fall 2012 RA and NW combined 291 individual conduct meetings 481 individuals noted in IRs
Fall 2012 IR Breakdown