Origin of the wood uded by forest industry in 2017 Total 73,6 mill. m3 (6 % more than in 2017) 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Luke
The wood consumption was 73,6 mill. m3 in 2017 In addition to the roundwood the industry used 9,7 mill. m3 sawmill chips 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Luke
Use of domestic wood 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Luke
Wood flow from forest to mill in Finland 2018 Imported raw wood 9 Annual increment 20 mill. m3 9 Annual growth 107# Total drain 87 # Total removals 72 # Commercial roundwood (*) 67 Industrial roundwood (*) 74 Pulp and paper industry 43 + 10 43 67 10 87 # Chips 10 2 10 # 31 Firewood 5,4 # Chips 4,4 # Roundwood exports 2 Wood products industry 31 Logging residues, Natural drain 15 # (*) Removals and use data may differ due to stocks # Old 2017 data 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Luke
Imports and exports of wood raw material 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Customs & Luke
Imports of wood raw material in 2018 was 11,5 mill. m3 (with bark) From Russia 71% of the total Nearly half of the total – birch pulpwood 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Customs & Luke
Imports of wood raw material from Russia 8,2 mill Imports of wood raw material from Russia 8,2 mill. m3 in 2018 (with bark) 25.4.2019 SOURCE: Customs & Luke