Google Docs in the Elementary Classroom By: Jennifer Marsh
What is Docs? Google Docs is a free, web-based word-processing tool, similar to Microsoft Office, created by Google. When working in Google Docs, others can be given access to view, edit, and give feedback on the documents. Users can collaborate with others to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations while significantly reducing paper. This Google Drive service allows you to save all files instantly online to your Google Drive account to prevent loss of information.
Why Docs? Double-click on the box to watch a short video to explain how Google Docs works.
How Does Google Docs Support the Vision for Technology at Wacona? Wacona Elementary School believes that our school should begin to prepare students for tomorrow’s world of technology. Google Docs does this by providing opportunities to work on real life applications using the latest technology. By implementing Google Docs in effective ways, teachers can increase collaboration, efficiency, engagement and promote student learning.
How Does Google Docs Support Our Vision of Technology Use? Cont’d… Google Docs is also a way to incorporate technology into writing, the area of greatest need of improvement for our school. Students in different locations can work on one document simultaneously which can boost motivation and effort levels, commentary for improvements, and publishing opportunities.
Who Will Use Google Docs? Everyone! Administrators, teachers and students at all grade levels can use Google Docs. Google Docs allows documents to be shared with each other. Students can work with other students and teachers can work with other teachers online. Teachers can help students as well as administrators can help teachers.
What Equipment and/or Software is Required to Use Google Docs? You get the education edition tool online: and Google Drive needs to be installed. Classroom computers need one of these compatible browsers: Chrome Firefox Safari (not supported on Windows) Internet Explorer Mobile Apps are available for iOS and Android so iPads can be implemented as well. Increase computer per student ratio
What Technical Support is Available? Google for Education - offers a variety of tools, programs, and training for Google applications. There is also a Google for Education forum where administrators and teachers can connect with each other for the latest educational insights with Google tools. Google Docs Help Center -can help with basic steps to begin working on spreadsheets, Google Sheets. There are many other resources available online that offers help. Some examples are: Google Docs Courses Google Drive Essential Training You Tube Video Tutorials
What are the Limitations? Age Restriction Concerns For children under the age of 13, parental consent and notification of the use of Google Apps must be obtained in order for the school to be in compliance with COPPA [Child Online Privacy Protection Act] . Some parents may not feel comfortable allowing younger students to create Google Accounts. The teacher could create one Google account for the class. Students use their own names to save documents.
Limitations Continued… Limited Computer Availability for All Students At Wacona, most classrooms have five computers and no accessible iPads. There are two computer labs that can be used if a schedule is developed and properly maintained.
What Costs are Associated with Google Docs? The Google Apps Education Edition is free and all the related applications such as Google Drive and Google Docs. In order to effectively implement Google Docs in all classrooms, students need more access to internet- capable devices. More computers, laptops, tablets, or iPads need to be purchased for each classroom.
What are some Potential Funding Sources? Community Fundraisers Title I funding Teachers could write proposals to receive technology grants. Some suggestions are:
How can Google Docs be Used to Meet Content and Technology Standards? Many ISTE Student Standards can be practiced using Google Docs. Use prior knowledge to create new products and ideas Use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively to support learning Use technology to acquire information for analyzing and presenting Use critical thinking skills to create projects Practice legal and ethical behavior Demonstrate understanding of technology The use of Google Docs allows teachers to be the facilitator. It engages students in active learning and maintains interest. Google Docs will also prove beneficial to help students excel at all the Common Core Writing Standards.
How does Google Docs Promote the Writing Process? Google Docs can be made into a Writer’s Workshop. Comments Teachers can give immediate feedback in real time on students work. Revision History Teachers can monitor progress of students as they go through the steps of the writing process. Built-In Research and Reference Tools Students can use the web directly from the document for needed research. Google Docs incorporates a dictionary, spell checker, citation inserter, and Easy Bib Connection. Peer Editing After student finish their writing piece, peers can help revise and edit to improve writing. Sharing Students can publish their writing online and it can be shared with others and even the community.
How can Google Docs be Used in the Classroom? Google Docs can be used for: Project-Based Learning Writing Workshop Guided Learning Templates Brainstorming and Project Planning Presenting Projects Teacher/Teacher, Student/Student, and Student/ Teacher Collaboration Sharable Note Taking Reading Response Journals Classroom Organization Data Collection and Analysis Virtual Copy Machine
How can Google Docs be Used to Meet the Diverse Needs of all Students? Google Docs can help with differentiation in many ways: By using the translate feature, English Language Learners can practice vocabulary and parent letters can be translated to be sent home. Templates are available to help guide student’s learning. Teachers can view the progress each student is making and give commentary during the process instead of afterwards. Google Docs offers beginner, intermediate and advanced applications to meet the level of the student.
How Can Google Docs Promote Communication? Students have the option of working online with other peers to complete projects at home or school in real time. Students can work together with experts on specific content areas to enhance LoTi levels in the classroom. Google Docs can be incorporated in project-based learning to enhance students’ cultural awareness by working with other students from around the world. Google Forms can be used to create surveys for parents, students, and other staff members.
What Research is Available on the Effectiveness in a School Environment? Throughout the 21st century, collaboration has been a research proven strategy for effective use in the classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology states, “A number of studies have found that the use of online technology in the classroom can facilitate collaborative learning among students and promote learning outcomes” (Ornprapat and Saovapa, 2014). Google Docs brings endless collaboration possibilities alive for both teachers and students.
What is the Plan for Implementing Google Docs? To implement Google Docs at Wacona Elementary School, teachers need to receive some training and support in order to successfully employ the tool. Online modules and tutorials can be used during planning time to educate teachers on how to use it in the classroom. Throughout the year, the instructional coach can provide support for ideas and suggestions. Teachers will conduct weekly grade-level meetings to collaborate with peer teachers. Teachers will set a goal to use Google Docs at least once each semester one subject area. The usage amount will be increased next year, once teachers gain confidence in using the tool.
Reflection I chose to select Google Docs because it has been mentioned continuously over the course of the semester. I learned how a simple word-processing app implemented in the right way can provide endless ways learning possibilities for students, teachers, and administrators. This experience strengthened my professional practice by giving me the expertise to work with my fellow colleagues to implement Google Docs in our classrooms. Not only will this benefit the kids, but will also serve as a professional learning tool for teachers. With the use of Google Docs, there are so many ideas that I would like to present to my third grade team for things like grade-level meeting, organizing field trips, classroom book counts, and other inventories we are required to obtain. Google Docs will make it so much easier for us to collaborate all at once without waiting or sending numerous emails between each other.
Works Cited Creative Commons Attribution. (2010, October 18). from the Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning Technologies/Google Docs Wikibook: Google Enterprise. (2010, April 11). Introducing a new Google Docs. [Video]. Retrieved July 14, 2014, from Ornprapat, S. & Saovapa, W. (2014, April). The Effects of Collaborative Writing Activity Using Google Docs on Student Writing Abilities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(2). Retrieved from Oxnevad, S. (2014). Google Docs for Learning. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from . Stiglitz, J. (n.d.). Google Apps in Classrooms and Schools. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from Wagner, M. (2009, April 3). Educational Technology and Life. Retrieved July 14, 2014, from .