The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare


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Presentation transcript:

The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare Menu Introduction Background Discussion Starters

The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare Be careful what you wish for.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction What would you do if you encountered three strange women who predicted your future and then those predictions started coming true?

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction Suppose the women predicted that you would become a powerful ruler someday. Would you want to wait to see if this came true? Or would you want to make it come true?

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction As The Tragedy of Macbeth opens, the Scottish army is battling invading forces Norwegian forces Scotland and King Duncan wants a victory.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction Macbeth fights ferociously killing the traitor Macdonwald and planting Macdonwald’s head on the castle battlements. King Duncan is impressed.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction While crossing the stormy countryside after the battle, Macbeth and Banquo encounter a trio of witches. Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction The weird sisters make these predictions: Macbeth will earn noble titles. Banquo will produce a line of kings. Macbeth will be King of Scotland. Then, the witches vanish, and a messenger appears to tell Macbeth that King Duncan has just given him a noble title.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction All Macbeth can think about is the sisters’ final prophecy … And the thought that he might become king.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction His wife, the ambitious Lady Macbeth longs for high position wealth power prestige She’ll do anything to make her husband king.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Introduction She just may get her chance. King Duncan decides to visit Macbeth’s castle. Will the king live to rule another day?

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Background William Shakespeare wrote more than 36 plays and 150 poems in his lifetime. He is considered the most influential writer in English literature. More than four hundred years later, his works still influence movies music TV shows video games

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Background In the tragedy Macbeth, Shakespeare explores the damaging nature of overwhelming ambition and greed. It is the shortest of Shakespeare’s tragedies, and includes this simple message: “Thou shalt not kill.”

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Background Before Shakespeare’s time, troupes of actors traveled the countryside, to perform in parks halls courts courtyards and in other open spaces they could find.

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Background In 1576, the first playhouse, called The Theater, was built outside London’s city walls. Soon other famous London theaters followed. the Fortune the Rose the Swan the Red Bull the Globe Theater

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Background Now drama could be a permanent experience for theater crowds, rather than a traveling show. main stage covered seats actors cheap standing room

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Discussion Starters Shakespeare’s works are just as popular today as they were in his lifetime. Why do you think these stories are still so admired and imitated 400 years later? Shakespeare’s writing works as well on the stage as it does on the written page. Why? Do you think that acting out a story on stage adds to its emotional effect?

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Discussion Starters Macbeth and his wife are overwhelmed with ambition, so they plot to steal the throne of Scotland. Which character is more willing to do evil? Why? Do you think they will suffer a price for their actions? Do you think Shakespeare means for this story to be a cautionary tale, or warning? How?