Solar Farms María Porras Pulido 4tB Alba Hidalgo Loba 4tB 1- SOLAR FARMS – What are they? 2- SOLAR PANEL – How is it made? - How do they work
SOLAR FARMS Solar farms (sometimes known as solar parks or solar fields) are the large-scale application of solar photovoltaic panels to generate green, clean electricity. They generate electricity and feed into the electricity grid using a free source of energy (the sun) to generate electricity on bright cloudy days as well as in direct sunlight.
HOW IS A SOLAR PANEL MADE? PV junction box: A good junction box keeps corrosion at the terminals to a minimum, as it will exclude water coming in. Most photovoltaic junction boxes have diodes. The function of the diodes is to keep the power flow going in one direction, and prevent power from feeding back into the panels when there’s no sunshine. PV back-sheet: The PV back-sheet is on the outermost layer of the PV module. The PV back sheet is designed to protect the inner components of the module, specifically the photovoltaic cells and electrical components from external stresses as well as act as an electrical insulator. Encapsulant: If you encapsulate the solar cells the solar panel will last longer, if you don't then you'll run into a lot of problems with moisture on the inside and the outside of the panel, plus the panel will fog up on the inside.
Solar cell: It’s an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. Glass: Glass is designed to optimize solar energy conversion while providing long term protection against external conditions. Extra clear glass, with low iron oxide content is typically used in solar applications. Low iron glass may be coated with an anti-reflecting coating to further increase performance. Frame: Its role lies in its mechanical characteristics that bring several benefits like handling, storage, grounding, fixation and resistance against mechanical load such as wind, snow…
HOW DOES IT WORK? The first thing we need to know to understand how a solar panel works is that solar panels are made up of many solar cells, (it is important not to confuse these two terms, one thing is a solar cell and another thing is a solar panel). Solar cells are small cells made of crystalline silicon, which is a semiconductor material, this means that they are materials that can behave as conductors of electricity or as an insulator depends on the state in which they are.
So, we already know that a solar cell is built with a semiconductor material that has excess electrons with negative charge and another part is made with a semiconductor material that lacks electrons with positive charge, when the solar cells are exposed directly to the light of the sun, produce current, the sun's energy moves the electrons from the part of the cell that are left over to the part of the cell that they lack. This movement of electrons is just the electric current therefore in this way we have already managed to generate electric current from one point to another.
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