Fits together like a puzzle W I C R Fits together like a puzzle Inquiry Reading Writing Collaboration
Writing Strategies used in AVID Prewrite Draft Final draft Respond Writing is basic to thinking, learning, and growth. It allows students to think in complex ways, building critical thinking skills and developing knowledge of oneself and the outside world. Writing helps clarify and order experience, while simultaneously demonstrating how much one knows about a topic. The more fluent the writer, the more successfully one can compete academically. Strategies used in AVID Prewrite Draft Respond Revise Edit Final draft Class and Textbook Notes Learning Logs/Journals
Inquiry Inquiry-based learning focuses on the student as the learner, developing skillful, open-ended questioning skills. Being able to recognize different levels of questions is beneficial for all students in many areas of learning. Students in AVID understand the three levels of questions design by Art Costa which is critical for student success. Strategies Skilled Questioning Socratic Seminars Quickwrite/Discussion Critical Thinking Activities Writing Questions Open-Mindedness Activites
Collaboration Collaboration takes many forms in the AVID Classroom, most commonly in tutorial groups. Tutorials, which are essential in AVID, reinforce previous learning and encourage students to think ahead. Students will internalize what they have studied and learned if they are able to collaborate with others and make connections. Strategies Group Projects Study Groups Jigsaw Activities Read-Arounds Response/Edit/Revision Groups Collaborative Activities
Reading Reading is the key to understanding in all content Areas. Keeping reading as a focus in AVID develops Reading comprehension, awareness of the different Reasons for reading, and understanding of the Different structures of texts. Readers read for three Purposes: 1) For information, 2) For problem Solving and finally 3) For recreation or enjoyment. Strategies SQ3R ( Survey, Question, Read, Recite,Review) KWL (What I know; What to learn; What I learned) Reciprocal teaching Think-alouds Literary circles
And the teacher pushed them. The teacher said to the students, “Come to the edge.” They replied, “We might fall” The teacher said again, and they responded “It’s too high” “COME TO THE EDGE!” The teacher demanded. And they came. And the teacher pushed them. And they ………Flew