The Boy with Wings
Eli was a little boy who knew nothing about having freedom Eli was a little boy who knew nothing about having freedom. It was hard growing up in the south especially when you’re a slave. Eli lived in South Carolina on a slave plantation with his mother. Little Eli took pride at helping his mother in the field, knowing he made her work a little easier.
Eli’s mother was happy to see her son trying to help out by thinking of her well being. She knew that one day he would grow up to be a good man like his father. Even the master went out of his way to acknowledge Eli’s work.
Although lately Eli’s mother feared the rumors spreading around about the master selling others away. She dreaded the thought of little Eli leaving her side to some strange place. Eli kept trying to reassure his mother that nothing bad would happen, since it was rumors. Strangely that night Eli went to bed he had a sudden urge to call for his mother yet he just stayed in bed and cried his self to sleep.
Sadly the day Eli and his mother were to be apart came all to sudden Sadly the day Eli and his mother were to be apart came all to sudden. Little Eli was preparing to go clean out the horses’ stable when the overseer grabbed him by the hand and told him to wait by the front of the plantation with the others. Confused Eli stood next to a wagon with a bunch of other slaves that lived on the plantation waiting for what was to be next. Moments later Eli and the others were ushered into the wagon by the overseer. When Eli sat down in the wagon, from out of nowhere he heard a woman yelling in the distance.
Eli knew that voice, it was his mother Eli knew that voice, it was his mother. She came dashing across the field, wailing and shouting at the overseer to stop. She came to a sudden stop in front of overseer on her hands and knees begging him to not take Eli. The overseer genuinely looked sad to do this, but he was given orders to do so.
Off went Eli and the others down the dirt road to their new life Off went Eli and the others down the dirt road to their new life. Eli couldn’t believe he would be actually separated from his mother in his lifetime. Eyes full of tears, he could do nothing but watch as his mother’s hysterical form slowly disappear into the background.
Heartbroken Eli said nothing on the wagon ride Heartbroken Eli said nothing on the wagon ride. He stared up at the sky with tears still running down his face. He began to remember the song his mother would sing to him whenever he was sad, so he started to hum it. This cheered him up a little bit and soon the others in the wagon began to hum along to. Before long Eli noticed a bright light floating above him in the sky.
That light steadily manifested into the shape of a body That light steadily manifested into the shape of a body. The body of a woman with a face Eli thought was similar to his mother’s. This lady also had enormous wings attached to her back. She descended from the sky and embraced Eli in a hug. She spoke to him in a soft voice causing Eli to warmly accept her as a friend.
Without really asking him, the angel knew what Eli wished for Without really asking him, the angel knew what Eli wished for. With one last hug the angel whispered something in his ear and finally ascended into the sky. At first Eli was confused at what happened but he soon began to realize that the angel had granted him with something that could save him, his mother, and everyone else. She gave him a set a of angel-like wings like hers. Eli could fly.
Having the ability to fly, Eli flew as fast as he could all the way back to his mother. He found her in the same position she was in when he left. As he approached her, he noticed she still had tears on her face from crying, so he wiped them away. Startled she looked up shocked to see little Eli in front of her and not to mention the fact that he was floating in the air.
Eli hugged his mother real tight and whispered the same words the angel spoke to him ,into her ear. Just like Eli, his mother formed wings of light on her back in the shape on angel wings. Everyone else on the plantation was shocked to see this happening, although they didn’t shy away from Eli and his mother.
In fact, everyone began to hug both little Eli and his mother and before long they all had wings on their backs too. Together they all joined hands and flew off towards the sky. Waiting for them in the clouds was none other than Eli’s angel friend who granted him this special gift. For generations to come, people from far and wide knew of the little boy with wings who became friends with an angel.