Open House 2015-2016 Mr. Aaron | 8th Grade
Welcome!!! Welcome students, parents, and guardians. I would like to welcome you to Room SS8. If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask. Here is what will be in this presentation Class Information Mr. Aaron Curriculum and School For your own copy, pick up a syllabus at the front.
General Information Introduction: Welcome incoming eighth graders. This year is my mission to educate you over American History form the end of the Revolution to the Reconstruction after the Civil War. I hope this year will be fun and educating. Below, there will be information about my class. If you have a questions, please feel free to ask. Phone number: (810)-962-7005 Email: Me, Myself, and I Hello and welcome eighth graders and parents. My name is Mr. Aaron Iturralde. Most of my students call me Mr. Aaron, Mr. It, or Mr. Iturralde, it doesn’t matter. I have been teaching for about 25 years. I was a native born in Chicago and moved to Michigan around 1975. I graduated from Michigan University for a master’s degree in teaching. I also studied forensic and drama as minors at Michigan State University. I have taught many grades from elementary, middle school, and high school. I had taught math and social studies mainly. This year I am excited to be teaching 8th grade American History.
Schedule Daily Schedule Homeroom Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Lunch C Period 5 Period 6 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:51 4:55-5:31 5:35-6:01 6:01-7:01 7:41-7:01 7:05-7:41 7:45-8:20 Half Day Schedule Homeroom Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 4:05-4:15 4:15-4:41 4:45-5:01 5:05-5:21 5:25-5:51 5:55-6:11 6:15-6:35 Late Start Schedule Homeroom Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Lunch C Period 5 Period 6 5:05-5:15 5:15-5:41 5:45-6:11 6:15-6:41 6:45-7:46 7:21-7:41 7:50-8:11 8:15-8:40
Attendance and Hall Passes Your school planner is your hallway pass. You will not be permitted to leave the classroom during the class period if you do not have your planner. You may only use a hall pass when absolutely necessary and at appropriate times. To use a hall pass at those times, you must fill out all parts of your planner, and I will sign it. I will record your class attendance as ABSENT if you are not in class. I will record your class attendance as TARDY if you arrive to class after the tardy bell rings. I will record your class attendance as TARDY UNEXCUSED if you arrive to class 5 or more minutes after the tardy bell, and this will count as an unexcused absence. Please refer to the EMS Student Handbook for further information about the number of absences allowed in a class and absence reporting.
Classroom Rule and Expectations Classroom Rules Respect other, yourself, and property Be responsible for being prepared everyday with a good attitude Raise you hand if you want to speak Try to use the bathroom before class or during personal work time Use class time wisely Have a great day Consequences I will deal with the majority of discipline issues in the classroom. If you disobey expectations for classroom behavior, I will address your behavior as follows: First Discipline Issue: verbal warning Second Discipline Issue: student conference, parent contact Further Discipline Issues: administrator visit, parent contact
School Supplies Necessary 1” Three Ring Binder 1 Subject College Rule Spiral Notebook Many Pencils 5 Dividers (Warm-Up, Unit Papers, Class Documents, Tracking my Learning, Work in Progress) Required McDougall Littelll: American History: Beginnings to 1914 Assigned Multi-Colored Pens Index Cards Small Sticky Notes Loose-Leaf Paper Suggestions
American History This year students will be learning about American History. We will begin with the Confederation Era after the Revolutionary War and end with the Reconstruction after the Civil War. Below and on the Syllabus there will be information on American History curriculum. Units Chapters Era Unit 1: Confederation to Constitution Chapter 8 & Constitution Chapter Era 3.3 Unit 2: The Early Republic Chapter 9 & Chapter 10 Era 4.1 Unit 3: Changes in the Nation Chapter 11 & Chapter 12 Era 4.2 Unit 4: Changing the Nation Chapter 13 & Chapter 14 Era 4.3 Unit 5: A Nation Divided and Rebuilt Chapter 15 - Chapter 18 Era 5.1 - 5.3
Title: Chapter, Section, L.T Cornell Note This year students will learn how write accurate and efficient notes using the Cornell Notes method. Shortened Learning Target Sub Topics Vocabulary- the definition Title: Chapter, Section, L.T Put important details about the learning target Cross Out Anything you have and I don‘t Underline same details Add details you don't have [Bracket] details that are important but not in essay Summary- Write two to three paragraphs about the learning target Divide you paper one-third, two-thirds Write a shortened learning target in the left-hand corner Write details and info about that topic Write Vocab in the margin w/ definition Write summary When we go over it do: Cross Out Anything you have and I don‘t Underline same details Add details you don't have [Bracket] details that are important but not in essay 7. Revise Summary
Grading 80% of your grade is based on your mastery of state standards, as demonstrated on Summative Assessments. Formative Assessments, such as homework assignments and daily activities are worth 20% of your grade, and are important assignments, as they are designed to help you prepare for instruction or practice and perfect the skills upon which the standards are based. Example Purpose Grading Formative Assessment Guided Reading Activities, Cornell Notes, Graphic Aid Interpretation Activities, Projects, Essays, Presentations, etc. To introduce new content and skills, to prepare for discussion, to reinforce previously learned content and skills. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (20% OF THE FINAL GRADE): Homework, Daily Assignments, Graphic Aid Interpretation Activities, and similar assignments will earn a letter grade based upon the percentage of points earned. Minor Projects, Essays, and Presentations. Summative Assessment Culminating Projects, Section Quizzes, Chapter Tests, and Unit Assessments To demonstrate mastery of content and skills required by Michigan standards. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (80% OF THE FINAL GRADE) Section Quizzes, vocabulary and essay question Chapter Tests, multiple choice and graphic aid interpretation Unit Tests, multiple choice over several chapters Culminating Projects
Grading Grading System EXTRA CREDIT – There is NO extra credit. IMPROVING GRADES: While there is no extra credit offered, show mastery of the state standards by scoring 80% or above on a chapter test, and quiz grades leading up to the chapter test will be dropped if it is in your favor. Grading Grading System A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E 100% 99%-93% 92%-90% 89%-88% 87%-83% 82%-80% 79%-78% 77%-73% 72%-70% 69%-68% 67%-63% 62%-60% 59%-0%
Late and Absent Work Absent Work Late Work If you miss class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed. You can find out what we did by checking my class Weebly ( I will post the agenda, warm-ups, and assignments. If you have questions, I will be more than happy to help you, but you must see me BEFORE or AFTER class. If you were assigned a long-term assignment such as an essay or a project, or if you were told in advance about a quiz or a test, being absent does not delay the work’s due date. If you are absent on a due date, you must turn the work in immediately upon your return. Any work missed during UNEXCUSED absences cannot be made up for credit. It is expected that all assignments will be turned in ON TIME. If not, students will receive partial credit. Assignments will be accepted with 10% of points earned deducted for each school day late, down to a minimum of 50% credit. This means, if the assignment is 5 days late, you will earn 50% of the credit earned. In the online grade book. I record all assignments that are not turned in on time as MISSING and as a ZERO until turned in. For major assignments and essays, I also contact parents.