The Cold War at Home Chapter 26 Section 3
Fear of Communist Influence Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and Communist takeover of China fueled worldwide fears of Communism
Chinese Civil War -US supported Chiang Kaishek -Communist leader Mao Tse-tung -1949- Comm. took over, Chiang fled to Formosa (Taiwan) -Became a partisan struggle in US
Soviets explode bomb - 1949 Truman ordered development of H-bomb •US in 1952, Soviets in 1953 Beginning of atomic arms race b/t USSR & US Opposition to atomic weapons- destroy world
American Communists? ~100,000 Americans claimed membership in the Communist Party
Loyalty Review Board Truman set up Federal Employee Loyalty Program Decided who to dismiss and who keeps job
NSC - 68 Why did Truman have to prove that he was tough on communists?
Exec Order 8935 Communist marchers in 30s Public Housing Petitions Gay/lesbian
House Un-American Activities Committee Investigated Communists in the movie industry
Hollywood Ten Sent to prison for not cooperating with HUAC’s investigation
Freedom of Speech?
Blacklist A list of people who have been condemned for having a Communist background
McCarran Internal Security Act Unlawful to plan any action that might lead to the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship in the U.S.
Spy Cases Alger Hiss – perjury Whitaker Chambers
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Accused of giving bomb secrets to the Soviets. Did they do it? Eventually executed
McCarthy’s “Witch Hunt” Joseph McCarthy – Republican from Wisconsin who said that Communists were infiltrating the government
McCarthyism Attacks on suspected Communists
Army vs. McCarthy McCarthy was condemned after attacking the U.S. Army
Joseph Welch Fred Fisher -formerly of Nat’l Lawyer’s Guild
Roy Cohn Private David Schine
McCarthy dies from alcoholism