Making Open Citations Work: Case Study ScienceOpen Force17, Berlin 25-27 October 2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin Author: Stephanie Dawson; License: CC BY Open Citations 5/26/2019
ScienceOpen is a freely-accessible, interactive search and discovery platform connecting and exposing metadata.
# oat17 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin Scholarly articles in context: ScienceOpen search/discovery platform 35 million research article records 17 million authors 25 thousand journals # oat17 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
So how to make sense of 35 million articles? Filter: Open Access Preprint Date Affiliation Keywords Discipline Validation Source Content type Journal Sort: Citations Altmetric Score Date Usage Journals are a place to demonstrate the results of peer review. Open Citations #FORCE17 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Citations trace the geneology of an idea and build the contextual framework of a scholarly article.
Sort your search results by citation ScienceOpen Collections provide these functions beyond the limits and bias of individual publishers or journals #OpenConBerlin @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Add a filter – Date, Open Access, Affiliation… ScienceOpen Collections provide these functions beyond the limits and bias of individual publishers or journals #OpenConBerlin @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Export your results, cite and repeat! ScienceOpen Collections provide these functions beyond the limits and bias of individual publishers or journals #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Sort reference lists by citation and more ScienceOpen Collections provide these functions beyond the limits and bias of individual publishers or journals #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Sort and search within collections ScienceOpen Collections provide these functions beyond the limits and bias of individual publishers or journals #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Pierre Poulain, Flickr, CC BY-SA
#Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin ORCID integration: Sort publications by citations, Altmetric score, usage, date #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Personal statistics: track citations over time #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) How many citations are open today? As of June 2017, the fraction of publications with open references has grown from 1% to more than 45% out of the nearly 35 million articles with references deposited with Crossref (to date). Journals are a place to demonstrate the results of peer review. Michael Coghlan, Flickr CC BY-SA #Force2017 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin
Making citations part of the open, machine-readable metadata anchored with persistent identifiers in Crossref will result in better discoverability for all. Scott Lynch, Bankey, Flickr_CC BY
#oat17 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin We are your team for As an aggregator of information, ScienceOpen will continue to open up, share, add to and explore the context of scholarly research in support of open knowledge goals. Join us! Contact: Twitter: @Science_Open, @SDawsonBerlin Facebook: As students you can‘t risk your career by not playing by the rules entirely, but you can experiment with #oat17 @Science_Open @SDawsonBerlin