Understanding the Kimball Middle School 2019
The PSAT 8/9 and the PSAT 10 are practice tests for the SAT, which all public school students in Illinois will take in the 11th grade. Colleges and universities use students’ SAT scores, along with their grade point average, to determine whether students will be accepted to attend that school.
What the PSAT 8/9 Measures The PSAT 8/9 tests students (at the level and skill appropriate for 8th and 9th grade)in reading,writing, and math. New this school year, Illinois State Board of Education will require public school students in grade 9 to take the PSAT 8/9 and public school students in grade 10 to take PSAT 10. ISBE will continue to require public school students in grade 11 to take the SAT. Student scores on the PSAT 8/9 indicate how a student would be expected to score on the SAT when they take it in 11th grade.
How the PSAT 8/9 is Scored Students receive a total score that is the sum of their scores on the two sections (reading and writing; math). Each section results in a scaled score of 120 to 720. These two scores are added together for a final test score from 240-1440.
Underneath the scale score for each test is a percentile Underneath the scale score for each test is a percentile. The percentile compares this student’s scores with all other 8th graders in the nation. If a student scores at a 55th percentile, the student scores as well or better than 55% of the 8th graders who took the PSAT in this country.
The PSAT 8/9 score report provides college readiness benchmarks The PSAT 8/9 score report provides college readiness benchmarks. If a student meets the benchmark, their score will be in green, if they need more work to meet the benchmark, their score will be in yellow, and if they score a year below where they are expected to be, their score will be in red.
Students can review each question they missed on the test by looking at their Question-Level Feedback on the score report. Students can refer back to the test booklet to review, practice, and work to understand the correct answers.
Next Steps for Students Age 13 and Over Create a College Board account at: studentscores.collegeboard.org and get their full PSAT 8/9 score report. Create a Khan Academy account at: satpractice.org.
Once students have linked their College Board and Khan Academy accounts, they can practice for the PSAT and SAT using personalized recommendations based on their PSAT 8/9 score reports. The practice questions are free.
SAT, ACT, & Local University Benchmarks
Why the Emphasis on College & Career Readiness? Continuing education after high school is much more important for this generation of students than it was For the previous generation. Today most good jobs require MORE than a high school diploma. Businesses want to hire people who know how To think and solve problems. Most jobs require some form of certificate, diploma, or degree. Our goal at Kimball and U46 is to give you the skills to be college ready when you graduate from high school. That means that you will have the skills to be successful in college should you wish to pursue it. Don’t be intimidated or turned off with the cost of college. Students who demonstrate good grades and solid preparation are rewarded with scholarships, grants, and low cost loans that help make college very affordable. There are other types of scholarships besides athletics. Most students earn academic scholarships.
Good Websites to Know www. collegeboard.org -College Board www.Khanacademy.org - Khan Academy www.u-46.org - Curriculum Center https://fafsa.ed.gov/ - FAFSA Website www.ncaa.org – NCAA homepage www.ncaaeligibilitycenter.org – registering to be a student athlete and info about rules, classes needed, etc. www.naia.org – NAIA homepage