Venus By Chloe G.
Introduction Hello, Welcome to my slideshow on Venus. You will learn many things like: how big, how long, atmosphere, surface, and many things more!!!
Surface and Atmosphere!! The surface on Venus is smoother than originally expected, but there are craters and holes in Venus from many flying objects! The atmosphere of Venus is hydrogen and other gases!
The Temperature on Venus The temperature on Venus is 899 F! That’s the hottest.
Moons Venus is a oddball planet. Do you want to know why? Well I’ll tell you why… Venus has no moons!!! I searched why Venus has no moons and it had this long paragraph that a Mars size body of water stopped…. I can’t remember the other things but lets move to the next slide!!
How far from the Earth and how long it takes to rotate... Venus is 12 Million miles from the Earth. It takes Venus 243 Earth days.
How long to revolve… How Did Venus gets her name…!!!! It takes Venus 225 earth days to revolve around the sun. Venus got her name from the greek goddess of love and beauty!!