1st Q, wk #9 October 9-13, 2017
10/9 Hon and Reg NO WRITTEN BELLRINGER TODAY Use this period to finish up work on your newspaper article summative and/or review for your Act I Crucible summative Hon: Socratic discussion tomorrow Reg: Test on plot, characters, and vocabulary
10/10 Honors Take a seat in the outer circle or the inner circle Open your preparation form to be initialed Get out any other texts or notes; open books to beginning of play, p. 458 Have something to write with Examine the rubric on your desk so you are aware of how you will be graded on this task
Rules of participation Only those in the inner circle may speak; those in outer circle complete observation/reflection while listening. You may not speak to anyone while in the outer circle. NO ELECTRONICS You may speak as soon as the previous person is finished; no raising of hands or teacher acknowledgement to speak You may ask questions, add comments, add textual evidence, or challenge a statement to further the discussion. Using evidence to support statements makes them more substantial.
10/10 4TH PERIOD Clear desks of all materials and electronics Get a writing device; you will write on my paper I will pass out study notes with your test Keep eyes looking down at desk while papers are on your desk Staple notes to test papers and turn into tray when finished If you need to use your accommodation for extra time, you MUST tell me before I hand out tests. I will give you one page at a time and you can finish test in Mrs. Tankard’s room during class time this week
10/11 Hon. If you were absent yesterday or you feel you did poorly (or can do better) in any of the three aspects of yesterday’s summative discussion, Sit in the outer circle if you want to improve only your observation form Sit in the inner circle if you were absent or want to improve your speaking score Sit along the wall and/or at the table if you are content with all of yesterday’s performance If you have an improved preparation form, put it out on the desk to be initialed. If you need to improve both talking and observing, start in the inner circle I will pass out yesterday’s forms after everyone is settled.
10/11 Regular These people need to get a pass from me to go make up or finish a test in Mrs. Tankard’s room: Desmond, Ty’rik, Paul, William, Bobby, Chris The rest will stay here to watch Act I of The Crucible movie Stamp grade issued for every 3 differences from the movie and the play that you record on paper
10/12 Hon Get out a piece of paper and put your name on it. Set up the paper Cornell note style The Guiding Question is “How has the movie producer and director altered or enriched the play version?” As we watch Act I of The Crucible, write down on the right side of the notes any changes, additions or differences, you see in the movie version as compared to the play version After viewing, you will go back and write questions or headings on the left side of the notes and add a summary of the information at the bottom of the notes This will be your first formative grade for the second quarter
10/12 Hon, continued Tomorrow I will hand back the rest of your graded and stamped papers for this quarter and you will assemble all the ladybug stamped papers you have (including any “stars” you have received), staple them, and turn them back into me for your Participation Grade (formative). If you have a zero for the Witches’ Curse article paragraph and you want credit for it, it must be turned in to me before first period tomorrow
10/12 Regular Get out a piece of paper and put your name on it.
10/13 Hon and Regular, Bellringer Gather all stamped (ladybug stamps) work you have and staple them together; put them in the tray. Then get out your movie notes and we will continue watching Act I and complete our notes Honors students: Monday during lunch will be your final opportunity to work on your VLT rewrite. I am not available in my classroom today during lunch.