Getting to know your school What will the students do? First students will be separated into groups of 3-5 students depending on the size of the class. Each group will be given 3-4 clues to find important locations around the school. Once they find a location they will take a picture of the location using the digital camera and surrounding areas to show where the location is. Students will know they have found a location by finding their color dot on the location door. When students have gathered all their location pictures they will come back to the class and share their locations. As a class the students will create a big picture map using their pictures to define each location and their school. Students will be graded based on completion, participation, and creativity. (See Rubric) Objective: Students will recognize important locations and know where they are in their school by taking pictures and creating a big picture map to hang in the classroom.
Grading Rubric Completion Participation Creativity 1 2 3 1 2 3 Completion -Finds only 1 location -Does not take appropriate pictures. -Does not stay on task. -Finds 1-2 locations -Takes mostly accurate pictures. -Stays on task, with few distractions. -Finds all locations -Takes accurate pictures. -Stays on task with no distractions. Participation -Gives very little interest in project. -Takes 1 picture that is not on task. -Writes descriptions that are not well thought out. -Gives some insight when reading clues. -Takes at least 1 picture. -Writes 1 description of location. -Gives insight when reading clues. -Takes some pictures. -Writes 1-2 descriptions of location. Creativity -Does not connect how the pictures fit into big map. -Does not contribute to class map activity. -Makes an attempt to help with class map. -Understands and observes big map creation. -Easily connects clues and surroundings pictures to create big map. -Offers suggestions for putting big map together.