In the video, why did the narrator say she needed to understand her learning disability? So she knows what she needs to be successful. (talk about metacognitive skills- thinking about thinking, how that can help you to realize what kind of study techniques help you to learn. Image is from
2. What were some of the different things she learned about in her Self-Advocacy class? Why do you think she found these skills helpful? She found out what helps her learn, how to lead an IEP meeting, how to ask of accommodations, and how to find out more info on her disability. They helped her to be more independent. They helped her to understand how she can learn better. They improved her study skills and prepared her for life after high school. Image is from
3. Can you think of times in your life where these skills could have been helpful? Maybe when you needed to study for a big test and you didn’t know what could help you, or maybe trying to figure out a math problem….Maybe you need to use a word processor in class to help with your spelling but you didn’t know how to explain this to the teacher. Image is from
Describe how these skills might help you in planning your future Describe how these skills might help you in planning your future. Can help you prepare for college or employment after high school by helping you recognize what helps you to learn, the rights you have, and how to ask for accommodations. Image is from
Describe what you learned about your learning disability Describe what you learned about your learning disability. In what ways does it affect how you learn? Pretend when answering this question that you are talking to a future employer or the Office of Disability Services in college. 2. What are your learning strengths? (How do you learn best and what are you good at?) Image is from
3. Did talking to the school psychologist or your doctor help you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses? Why or why not? What did you find out that you didn't know before?
4. What accommodations are you allowed in your documentation 4. What accommodations are you allowed in your documentation? Do you feel better prepared in being able to ask for those accommodations? Why or why not? Maybe you will be allowed extra time on a test or maybe a different test setting (quiet room by yourself free of distractions)
You might use a computer to support your writing and spelling. Out of the ten accommodations you researched which one did you find to be the one you felt would be most beneficial for you personally? In what ways did you feel it could help you in your learning? Although you may have done assignments in a different way by using the accommodation, did you learn the same information as the other students in the class? Yes!! Of Course You Did! Image is from
4. What did your teacher need to do to provide this accommodation 4. What did your teacher need to do to provide this accommodation? What did your teacher say about providing this accommodation? 5. Do you have other classes where you think this accommodation could be helpful? Why or why not?
My One-Pager Interests I Want You to Know Accommodations I Use Guitar Collecting Records History Books Making Jewelry Books about Musicians Cooking and Baking I often make the honor roll. I am really good with my hands. I am very artistic. I have severe migraines. I have difficulty putting my thoughts onto paper because of the way my brain processes information. I am a student at ASU. I am a Special Education Major Accommodations I Use Extended time on assignments 10 problems in math per night Water Breaks Clinic Visits Study Guides and Back-up Notes Computer to help with my spelling How I like to Learn Auditory (Hearing directions out loud) Visuals help me to remember I Use this to introduce the one-pager assignment so they can see an example. My own photo and clipart.