Our Service # Prayer Lesson
Extraordinary Statements of Jesus Luke 23:26-34
Luke 23:27-31 When something bad is happening to you, can you look compassionately at those around you?
Luke 23:27-31 When something bad is happening to you, can you look compassionately at those around you? Jesus is being led to be crucified (v. 26), but he notices these ladies in v. 27
Luke 23:27-31 Jesus is not telling them their crying is wrong… …but that they will have their own problems in Jerusalem very soon (28-29) Death will be preferable to what they will face (30) If Jews seem cruel dealing with Jesus while times are good, wait ‘til you see what they do in a Roman siege! (31)
Luke 23:27-31 Jesus, the Son of God, carrying all the sins of the world on His shoulders, looks at these ladies and has pity on them… …but that’s not extraordinary…
John 19:26 Remember Jesus’ words about his mother while He was hanging on the cross? “Woman, behold thy son!” Not extraordinary – in fact, it makes sense as God’s plan was in place and His fate was known; might as well look around and do what He can for those He loved…
Luke 23:32-34 …might as well look around and do what He can for those He loved… The word “love” takes us to the extraordinary level What’s different from v. 34 to what we just saw in John 19?
Luke 23:32-34 What’s different from v. 34 to what we just saw in John 19? His mother wasn’t murdering Him! The love of Jesus is so great that He forgives those who are torturing Him, and that’s extraordinary beyond measure Even in death, Jesus is extraordinary…
Final point - John 18:36 Our phrase: “Nobody on this Earth would ever…” This verse explains many of the commands we may question as a human But to share eternity with our Savior who has such love, we have to look beyond this world (v. 36)
Invitation So we ask, where are you looking? If you are absorbed with this life, you don’t treat others in the model Jesus gave you If you are looking beyond this world, you are willing to love those who have never done anything to deserve your love # Prayer