Within the following presentation I was tasked with: Using brand template which I helped build to set up the presentation for NASA Take Word document and place within show. Optimize graphics to place within presentation Set up transitions Optimize the presentation I have removed many of the sample slides. I left in a few as examples of how presentation was built.
NASA Creative Review
Top Points from the brief Objectives: • Recruit sufficient applicants for a large, qualified, diverse pool. • Create a new galvanizing theme that’s in line with NASA’s realities and dreams. • Develop materials to support on-campus career fair recruitment and interviews at the five institutions. • Build the new STEM pipeline. • Bottom line: Depict aerospace engineering at NASA the most exciting career opportunity in the field bar none. 3 4 4
Top Points from the brief Longer term, NASA is seeking a cohesive way of expressing an over-arching vision to job seekers. There seems to into one cohesive message: • Emphasize the big, visionary projects that can galvanize the imagination of young people, e.g. going to Mars by the 2030s. • Emphasize the more generic proposition that NASA lets you accomplish the impossible in science and technology. 4 4 4
Top Points from the brief Overall promise: When you work for NASA, you can do what you cannot do anywhere else: have the sense that you are making the impossible possible. How does taking action on the promise benefit the audience? • THE WORK. Welcome to an EXTREME CHALLENGE every day. • THE PEOPLE. Only bright minds and daring hearts need apply. • THE BIG BENEFIT TO HUMANITY. Make the unknown known. 5 4 4
Concept 1: You + Impossible 7
You + Impossible is the beginning of the greatest story of our known universe. It’s the story of how individual talent, technology, and teamwork converge to create the innovations that renew hope in the future of humankind. This great convergence can only occur at NASA, with its vast resources and legacy of great minds and discoveries. And it can only occur with you—the talented, brave innovator that will embark on the missions that herald in a new age of discovery. 7 4 4
Instagram the innovative missions • Social currency • Integrates the campaign
NASA Everywhere Platform agnostic, you + impossible experienced everywhere.
Concept 2: Starting Point 7
Our journey into space is at a new, exciting point. People who Starting Point Our journey into space is at a new, exciting point. People who join NASA now will be there for the next revolution, for the next moments that make history. This concept points out the things that are on the horizon for both NASA and for the candidate. It’s has a confident, forward-looking message that shows them that this is the Starting Point for something. When people walk on Mars, build a space colony, or leave the solar system, they’ll do so on the shoulders of the people who join NASA today. This is the Starting Point for everything. 12 4 4
Concept 3: Big Picture 7
This concept combines a bit of attitude with a sense of humor. Big Picture This concept combines a bit of attitude with a sense of humor. We aren’t arrogant. It’s more of a confidence. Here, we give NASA a personality, and we’re more assumptive in the way we describe NASA’s history and accomplishments. We ask them about the other career choices that they could make, the other accomplishments that they could achieve, and we let them make their own minds up about how ambitious they really want to be. We’re challenging them to do more with their abilities and their educations. We’re smart, speaking their language and inviting them to, instead of thinking big picture, think really big picture. 15 4 4