Elements and Principles of art
Definitions: The Elements are the tools that create quality artwork The Principals are how we use the tools to create the quality artwork Visual Art- Artwork that appeals primarily to the sense of sight and typically exists in permanent form. (painting, drawing, sculpture)
Definitions continued… Composition- the arrangement of the objects in a work of art Medium-Materials that are used to create art
Line Continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point. It can be 2D or 3D. It is an outline or silhouette Example: pen on paper, wire sculpture, picture
Three Types of Line Horizontal Diagonal Vertical
Picasso’s Line Drawing
Use of a single line
Shape A line with common end point to create a 2D object.
Form Three dimensional and encloses a space consists of height, width, and depth cylinder, cube, sphere, pyramid, cone
Form in an environment
Color This element has 3 properties 1. HUE-name of the color 2. INTENSITY-strength of the color 3. VALUE- lightness or darkness of color
Matching hues
Value Light Medium Dark Lightness or darkness of color. Value is needed to express volume (making drawings look 3D) Need to have 3 values to appear 3D Light Medium Dark
Texture Surface quality or “feel” of object is rendered to make the drawing look like it is touchable.
Space Distance or area between, around, above or within things. Can be 2D or 3D.
Principals Of Design
Emphasis- points of interest to pull the viewer’s eye to important points of the work
Balance-sense of stability in the body of work Balance-sense of stability in the body of work. Creating a feeling of equal weight
Harmony-using similar elements throughout the work
Variety-differences within the work Variety-differences within the work. Artists use different shapes, textures, colors, and values
Movement-adds excitement by showing action to direct the viewer’s eye
Rhythm-type of movement that repeats shapes and/or colors
Proportion-or scale, refers to the size of the objects
Unity-all parts of the art look like an equal whole.