Color Theory
Color Wheel
Primary Colors Red Yellow Blue : With these colors (+black & white) all other colors can be made Can NOT be made by mixing other colors
Secondary Colors Orange Green Violet :colors produced by mixing 2 primary colors in equal proportions
Tertiary Colors :created by mixing 1 Primary + 1 Secondary color Red-orange Yellow- orange Yellow- green Blue- green Blue- violet Red- violet
Warm Vs. Cool Colors Warm: made with red, yellow, and orange or some combination of these Sunlight & warmth Cool: made with blue, green, and purple or some combination of these -Calm & Peaceful, but also cold & impersonal
Complementary Colors Colors opposite on the color wheel; create strong contrast when placed next to each other Main Sets: 1. Yellow & Violet 2. Blue & Orange 3. Red & Green
Analogous Colors -colors next to each other on the color wheel *look pleasant together because they are closely related Examples: yellow, yellow- green, & green
Describe the color relationship of the following paintings: