Good morning. Please pick up the new vocabulary Review each word quietly Begin writing sentences in the spaces provided In a few minutes, we will review each word together
Dead words, dead words Just for fun: Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. - Mark Twain
Announcements I’m missing a few references lists If this is you, turn in this assignment today Email me about research project collaboration Who contributed, and how much? How would you grade each team member’s contribution? Include an evaluation of your own work Current event due Friday Attend class every day New vocabulary list today Friday: Vocabulary review game for extra credit (study ALL words)
Agenda Vocabulary Discuss schedule, deadlines for service projects Discuss what to do if your group feels lost Sample project plan Time to work
How much time do we have? After today, only 10 class sessions to go before the due date (May 18th) Thus you should Exchange email addresses, phone numbers Plan for some out-of-class meetings Set clear expectations and deadlines
Key Dates to Remember: Friday, May 18th: Tuesday, May 22nd: Project complete 7-10 minute formal presentation of project, sample writing, AND results Copies of all documents due via email to Ms. Perez NO EXCEPTIONS! I have to finalize your grades that weekend in order to sign your cards the next week Tuesday, May 22nd: The only day I’ll sign blue cards You must attend class to receive your signature
Tips for Group work Set clear deadlines and expectations Don’t ever schedule a meeting without a specific agenda and end time Choose a scribe Scribe: email notes and updates to all group members Capitalize on strengths of each group member Develop and maintain professional relationships You never know who’ll be your future boss Communicate problems to teammates before reporting them to the “boss” Don’t resort to passive-aggressive tactics
What are we doing now? Determine: Clear problem Clear solution Plan: PERMISSIONS – who needs to give it? Writing/communication approaches that best address the issue Data needed – what do you need to know? How will you find out? Assign roles and deadlines
For Friday Due: Agenda: Current event Flash cards Vocabulary game Time to work on service projects