What we need to know about Noun Cases and Word Order Stage 2 Notes What we need to know about Noun Cases and Word Order
(Yes, we do this in English, too! ) What is a “Case” It tells the function of a noun in a sentence (Yes, we do this in English, too! ) Stephen is my friend ►HE is my friend I appreciate Stephen ►I appreciate HIM
mercator ancillam vendit. Noun Cases Nominative Used for subjects mercator ancillam vendit. and predicate nouns Marcus est mercator.
amicus tablinum intrat. licetne mihi ire…ad latrinam? Noun Cases Accusative Used for direct objects amicus tablinum intrat. and objects of most prepositions licetne mihi ire…ad latrinam?
Noun Cases – Nota Bene! The meaning of English sentences comes from the order of the words. The meaning of Latin sentences comes from the endings of the words.