Site Rules Big Bang Fair South East 2018 Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th June South of England Showground, Selsfield Road, Haywards Heath, RH17 6TL
Overview To comply with current CDM regulations, everyone involved in the ‘site build’ for the Big Bang Fair SE must read these site rules. Prior to the event opening to attendees (students and teachers), the event is classified as being in its build stage.
Rules Take reasonable care of Health & Safety of yourself and other people affected by your set up. If you are uncertain or do not feel safe, please contact a member of the event team. Vehicle movement may only take place outside of event open hours: 06:30 until 08:00 and 15:30 until 17:00 on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June. Please comply with requests from Event Team and Health & Safety Officers. Ensure all your team know where the First Aid point is.
Work Restrictions Permission must be sought to work outside scheduled hours. Appropriate measures must be in place for lone work. Notify the event team if you intend to work at height. No under 18s allowed on site during build. Accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to the Events Team or the Health & Safety Officer.
PPE PPE = Personal Protective Equipment. You must have the right equipment to do your job safely. Sturdy shoes and /or hi visibility vests should be worn if there is significant manual handling or risk of injury.
Structures & evacuations Any structures (e.g. gazebos) brought onto site must have wind loadings (including appropriate weights / anchorage, fire certs). There may be areas of contamination on site. If your job involves digging or staking, please contact the Events Team before starting work.
Plant & equipment If driving plant (including forklifts, site vehicles etc.), please have the appropriate licence on you as you may be inspected by the Event Team. Passengers must NOT be carried in forklifts. The use of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited. Vehicle movement is restricted to hard standing roads (except when parking vehicle for exhibition). Vehicle movement on site is restricted to 06:30 - 08:00 and 15:30 – 17:00 on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June. All electrical equipment must be in good working order.
Fire safety Do not allow flammable materials within 1m of flames or cooking equipment. All open flames should be protected from contact by public. In the event of a fire, please report to Events Team and Health & Safety Officers. Your priority is yours and others’ safety.
Traffic Use the North Gate Entrance. You will be directed on arrival by traffic marshals. Site speed limit is 5mph. Do not use hazards (because then you can’t see indicators). When reversing, use a banksman.
Confirmation Please confirm you have read and understood these site rules by emailing Please email regarding any queries to the above address or call Estelle Whewell on 01273 644178.