Chapter 5 Social Structure and Society Sociology Mrs. McVey
Social Structure Social structure is patterned interactions or patterns in relationships “Social mental maps” of group situations—how we think people should act Learn from others (socialization)
Status Status is a position a person occupies within a social structure Define who and what we are in relationship to other people Examples: if you are a son/daughter you interact & have a relationship with your parents. If you are a student you interact & have a relationship with teachers and other students
Ascribed vs. Achieved Ascribed status is a position that was not chosen or earned but it was ASSIGNED Race Gender Daughter/son Achieved status is a position that is earned or chosen Valedictorian Basketball player
Status Set Status set are all the statuses that a person occupies at any particular time Example: I am a….sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, friend, teacher, girl, white, club sponsor, employee, customer, an athlete, etc.
Master Status Your master status is THE position that strongly affects most other aspects of a person’s life Can be achieved or ascribed Example of achieved: criminal or your occupation Example of ascribed: Age, gender, race, and ethnicity
Social Structure & Roles People interact according to prescribed roles and these roles carry certain obligations. Role is an expected behavior associated with a particular status Right is a behavior that individuals expect from others Obligation is a behavior individuals are expected to perform toward others
Role performance & Social Interaction Role performance is the actual behavior of an individual in a role Social interaction is the process of influencing each other as people relate
Role Strain and Role Conflict Role conflict is the condition in which the performance of a role in one status interferes with the performance of a role in another status Ex. Student & & parent Role strain is when the roles of a single status are inconsistent or conflicting Coach/recruiter…….teacher/sponsor
Chapter 5 Assignment Chapter 5 Assignment: Draw (in color—3pts) your status set – all the positions in society you currently hold (at least 8—8pts) Label each status as ascribed, achieved, and decide which is your master status—label that (8pts) On the back, you will write approximately a stoplight paragraph explaining your status set, roles, role conflict and role strain. Remember: roles are behaviors associated with certain statuses. Make sure you address role conflict and role strain. If you do not feel like you have personally experienced either a role strain or a role conflict you make take an example from TV or a movie or a friend or family member. Pages 140-151 can help with examples
Societies Society = people living within defined teritorial borders and sharing a common culture Hunting and Gathering Horticultural Societies Pastoral societies Agricultural Societies
Industrial & Postindustrial Societies Industrial society depends on science and technology to produce its basic goods and services Mechanization and urbanization Mechanical and Organic solidarity
Postindustrial society Postindustrial society is where the economic emphasis is on providing services and information Page 162 –5 features of postindustrial society
Societies Charts – groups of 1-3 Compare the 6 types of societies: Hunting & Gathering, Horticultural, Pastoral, Agricultural, Industrial, and Postindustrial Illustrate tools, importance/role of animals, leisure time, government, living conditions and major features of each society See examples