Please find a seat and take a packet WELCOME TO CURRICULUM NIGHT Session 1: 6:15-6:45 Session 2: 6:50-7:20 Please find a seat and take a packet Mrs. Katen and Mr. Zahavi
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS WORK HABITS: Students are expected to participate in class Work is neat and complete Best effort (We stress effort over achievement!) Homework is each student’s responsibility Students should keep their materials organized and are responsible for bringing items back and forth between both teachers *Parents can help by holding their child accountable for these same expectations at home. Please have your child be as independent as possible with tasks such as packing his or her backpack. If your child occasionally leaves something at home, it is okay to leave it there! It is best for your child to learn from the consequences of his or her actions in a safe environment.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS CONDUCT: Students are expected to follow the Husky Pledge (Highcroft Huskies are Respectful, Kind, Safe & Responsible) both in our classroom and throughout the entire school Students are responsible for their actions Classroom Dojo (for work habits & conduct)
Standards-Based Grading Report Card Descriptors Wake County Public Schools Standards-Based Grading Report Card Descriptors LEVEL DESCRIPTORS 1-4 4 – Exemplary : Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 3 – Proficient : Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 2 – Approaching Proficiency : Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 1 – Non-Proficiency : Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. On student assessments that come home you may see a grade of 3* - although in our gradebook this is still a grade of a 3, this is how we let your child know that they were *close* to earning a level 4. This is the same for if you see a grade of a 2* - this will signify your child was close to earning a 3.
WEEKLY DATA BINDERS Data Binders will come home most Fridays Binders will include graded assignments and a weekly self- assessment On the weekly self-assessment, students will reflect on their week and set goals for the upcoming week Students should follow the checklist on the back of their binder and review their work with a parent at home Parents are encouraged to take time to go through the papers sent home with their child to discuss their school work and self-assessment It is important that if your child still has questions about any assessment corrections they let their teacher know on Monday morning
HOW CAN PARENTS HELP WITH ELA? Hold your child accountable! Encourage your child to complete tasks to the best of their ability Practice good spelling habits in written work across all areas of the curriculum Make sure your child is reading daily at home and check in with them about what they are reading. Reading to your child is encouraged as well! Please ensure your child has several “Good Fit” books at school and at home Need to motivate your child to read at home and/or read different genres? Please feel free to incorporate the reading challenge punch card into a home-reward system!
EL CURRICULUM RESOURCES 4th Grade at a glance (in curriculum night packet) Please familiarize yourself with the 4th grade website. There are links for each unit we are completing this school year. The links include great information for parents!
MATH Curriculum There is a “4th Grade Math at a Glance Document for Parents” available in the Curriculum Night packet for your reference. This document is also digitally available on our 4th grade website under Educational Resources: Math. The website also includes parent letters for each unit for how to support your child with these skills at home.
HOW CAN PARENTS HELP WITH Math? Hold your child accountable! Encourage your child to complete their homework to the best of their ability INDEPENDENTLY at first and then check over their work Encourage your child to use their RUBSC strategies and show/model their thinking on their homework Encourage your child to make corrections on their graded assignments in their Data Binders and review their corrections Encourage your child to use Education Galaxy and/or Xtra Math at home.
SCIENCE/SS Social Studies in the 4th grade curriculum is centered around the history, culture, and development of the state of North Carolina. Geography & Environmental Literacy History & Culture Government Economics The 4th grade science curriculum centers primarily around the changes and forces that affect Earth and its features Landforms Animal Studies and Moon Phases Rocks/Minerals and Forms/Interactions of Energy Electricity/Magnetism and Food/Vitamins