25 August 2011 Turn in your yellow sheet. AP English Language
Questions Did you find my web site? Did you complete the on-line form? Were you able to open the PPt presentation? What questions do you have for me?
Warm-up Diction – read and note important information Complete first activity Discuss with group Discuss with class
Rhetorical Devices With your group, discuss the notes from your reading. Identify one A-ha moment from your reading. Device #1 – Hyperbole – read, take notes – complete the exercise When your group is finished, have one person bring all papers down to the basket.
Homework Peruse the contents and rhetorical index of the Norton Reader. The passages have been classified and divided into two lists. Explain the reason for the two lists. (v-xvii) Read the section that begins on p. xxiii entitled “To Students…” Summarize each section highlighting the important points.