Typhoon Loss Assessment System (TLAS) Taiwan Web Tool ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (1) Typhoon Loss Assessment System (TLAS) Taiwan Web Tool Hsin-Chi Li, Yi-Chen Chen, Mei-Chun Kuo National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taiwan, R.O.C. e-mail: hsinchi@ncdr.nat.gov.tw
Taiwan Typhoon Loss Assessment System ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (2) Taiwan Typhoon Loss Assessment System (TLAS Taiwan) TLAS Taiwan can quickly estimate flood or landslide losses and can then present the results spatially. For disaster reduction, it can be used to conduct cost-benefit analyses of regulation projects. For disaster mitigation, it can have a role in land-use planning. For disaster response, it can assist governments to find potential areas with large losses and then to arrange placing disaster prevention equipment there based on the results. Finally, for disaster recovery, it can help to form financial plans for different regions based on the disaster loss amounts.
The Function of TLAS Taiwan ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (3) The Function of TLAS Taiwan TLAS USER Government Departments Future Plan: TLAS Online System Characteristics of Estimate Loss Right after a Disaster Conduct Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Predict Loss before Disaster Application Land Use Planning Risk Assessment Equipment Arrangement CBA of Disaster Regulation Projects Flood & Landslide Loss Assessment
Operation Process PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (4) ICL Landslide Teaching Tools TLAS TAIWAN can evaluate flood disaster and slopeland disaster. Each all include model of inference population, model of land loss, model of household loss, model of agriculture, mode of industry and business, model of public building, model of transportation and hydraulic. The calculated process can separated into input data, model calculated, output and display data three parts. TLAS TAIWAN can evaluate flood and hillslope disasters. Each includes a model of inferred population, model of land loss, model of household loss, model of agriculture, mode of industry and business, model of public building, model of transportation and a hydraulic model. The calculation process can separated into three parts : input data, model calculated, and output and display data.
GIS format: shp file PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (5) ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (5) Input Data GIS format: shp file The influence area delimitation will affect the result of loss estimate directly. Greater calculation error in the scope will result in considerable evaluation error and affect benefit analysis of each system. Delimitation accuracy will also affect the cost of policy implementation. For friendly using, this system choose SHP file input format of TLAS Taiwan. SHP file is typical input file of GIS and also is one of the most popular file for space analysis. The influence area limits will directly affect the results of loss estimates. Greater calculation errors in the scope will result in considerable evaluation error and affect the benefit analysis for each system. Delimitation accuracy will also affect the cost of policy implementation. To be user-friendly, this system uses a SHP file input format for TLAS Taiwan. SHP file is typical input file for GIS and also is one of the most popular files for space analysis.
TLAS Taiwan Loss model PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (6) ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (6) Calculate TLAS Taiwan Loss model Base on past on-site survey, typhoon losses (flood or slope land disaster) includes human life loss and property loss. To facilitate ensuing computation, this study uses the land use classification Liu et al. (2009) which divides property losses into several categories: Land loss, house loss, primary industry loss(Agricultural loss, Forest Use…), secondary industry loss( industry, commence), public facilities loss, road and prevention facilities loss.When user input their shp file, this system will analysis the land usage type and auto fit the related loss model of different land usage. Base on past on-site surveys, typhoon losses (flood or hillslope disasters) include loss of human life and property loss. To facilitate ensuing computation, this system uses the land-use classification of Liu et al. (2009), which divides property losses into several categories: land loss, house loss, primary industry loss (agricultural loss, forest use…), secondary industry loss (industry, commerce), public facilities loss, road and prevention facilities loss. When users input their shp file, this system will analysis the land usage type and auto-fit the related loss model for different land usage.
TLAS Taiwan character An ArcGis 10.0 based system ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (7) Calculate TLAS Taiwan character An ArcGis 10.0 based system Uses an ArcGis tool “Model builder“ to build loss models and calculation processes Recognizes spatial /geographical area data only For deal with complicated and repeated data calculated process, this system use the r technology model builder of ArcGis version 10.0. Each loss type has his own loss model. The total loss is this combine results of assessment results of every loss model . For dealing with complicated and repeated calculated processes, this system uses the technology of model builder of ArcGis version 10.0. Each loss type has his own loss model. The total loss is this combine results of every loss model .
Outcomes PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (8) ICL Landslide Teaching Tools Output Data Outcomes According to the results of TLAS Taiwan, we can obtain the loss within different land usage. For easier understanding of complicated output data, this study design the display I interface by the technology of geographic information system. There are two type results: 1.Automatically produced bar chart:Affected household Numbers, loss of production / structures 2.Produced .shp files and statistics The users can down the chat or calculate loss in shp files Each the display format can choose not only canton format, such as city/county, downtown, village, but also land usage format, such as household, industry, business, agriculture and so on. Based on the results of TLAS Taiwan, we can obtain the loss within different land usages. There are two types of results: 1. Automatically produced bar chart: Affected household numbers, loss of production / structures 2. Produced .shp files and statistics Users can download the chart or calculate loss in shp files. Each display format include not only city/county, downtown, village formats, but also land-usage formats, such as household, industry, business, agriculture and so on.
Applications of TLAS Taiwan ICL Landslide Teaching Tools PPT-tool 4.886-1.1 (9) Applications of TLAS Taiwan