The Counter-Reformation Seat work Please sit down, review pages, 746-749 answer: The Society of Jesus was also known as____ Who called the Council of Trent? The Catholic Church started its own reform movement called the ________
The Counter-Reformation The Society of Jesus was also known as____ Jesuits Who called the Council of Trent? Pope Paul III The Catholic Church started its own reform movement called the ________ Counter-Reformation.
If Pepsi came out with a new cola that everyone said was better than Coke, what do you think Coca-Cola would do?
Key Ideas The Jesuits worked to reform and strengthen The Counter-Reformation Key Ideas The Jesuits worked to reform and strengthen the Catholic Church. At the Council of Trent, Catholic leaders discussed ways to end corruption and reform Church doctrine.
The Counter-Reformation Key Terms Counter-Reformation—the movement to strengthen the teachings and structure of the Catholic Church Jesuits—the Society of Jesus, an influential Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola Council of Trent—a series of meetings during which Catholic leaders sought ways to revive the moral authority of the Catholic Church and to stop the spread of Protestantism ghetto—a separate quarter of a city in which Jews were required to live and work Students should use the Word Wise feature in the Reformation chapter of their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
Reforming the Church The Catholic Church started its own reform The Counter-Reformation Reforming the Church The Catholic Church started its own reform movement called the Counter-Reformation. Reformers founded new religious orders. The Jesuits, or Society of Jesus, was created by the former soldier named Ignatius of Loyola and was organized like a military troop with strict discipline. Recruits trained for years.
What the Jesuits Did The Counter-Reformation Jesuit Accomplishments Have students copy this cluster diagram on their own paper, and then refer to their Student Editions to find accomplishments to fill it out. Explain that they may find more than four answers, so they can add additional circles.
Jesuit Missionaries Jesuits like Matteo Ricci spread the Catholic The Counter-Reformation Jesuit Missionaries Jesuits like Matteo Ricci spread the Catholic faith to Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Refer students to the student edition feature Jesuits in the World to learn more about Jesuit contributions past and present.
A Reforming Nun Teresa of Avila became a nun in Spain. The Counter-Reformation A Reforming Nun Teresa of Avila became a nun in Spain. She lived a very spiritual life and saw visions that she said were from God. Teresa believed that convent life was not strict enough. She started her own order of nuns, who lived in isolation. They dedicated themselves to prayer and meditation. Encourage students to think about Teresa’s experience as one example of how Catholics felt a renewal of faith at the time of the Counter-Reformation. Why might this have occurred?
New Catholic Reformers The Counter-Reformation New Catholic Reformers Why did the Catholic Church start its own reform movement? What past experience of Ignatius of Loyola’s life helped him organize the Jesuits? Explain. How did the Jesuits influence government? Why did Teresa of Avila start her own convent?
The Counter-Reformation The Catholic Response The Church held a series of meetings called the Council of Trent to revive the Church and halt the spread of Protestantism. The Church enforced the Council’s decisions through the Inquisition, a court that tried people accused of heresy. The Church also published a list of books that people were forbidden to read. Discuss with students what the Catholic Church sought to achieve by using the Inquisition and the Index of Forbidden Books.
Intolerance Grows Both Catholics and Protestants attacked each other. The Counter-Reformation Intolerance Grows Both Catholics and Protestants attacked each other. Religious anxiety caused a fear of witches. Many innocent people were killed in witch hunts. In Venice, Jews had to live and work in a separate neighborhood called a ghetto. This practice spread to other parts of Europe.
The Church Responds Why did Pope Paul III call the Council of Trent? The Counter-Reformation The Church Responds Why did Pope Paul III call the Council of Trent? What actions did the Council of Trent take to reform Catholic practices? What actions did religious intolerance cause? What non-Christian group suffered harsh discrimination during this period?
How should we handle conflict? The Counter-Reformation How should we handle conflict? Attempts made by the Council of Trent to combat Protestantism Did the Council of Trent’s efforts increase or decrease conflict? How? Page 303 in student journal Have students think back on everything they learned in the section. They can use the graphic organizer to make notes about the actions of the Council of Trent and their effect on conflict.