Adaptation Implications for Hampton Roads What a Legal Clinic Can Do to Help Mary-Carson Saunders Stiff
Overview: What is a law clinic? Traditional Clinics Theory + practice Experiential learning Professional development Advisory and educational service Community engagement Policy Clinics Research Legal analysis Recommendations Writing skills Presentation skills Reports accessible to all Teamwork
VCPCs Mission VCPC provides science-based legal and policy analysis of environmental and land use issues affecting the state's coastal resources and educates the Virginia policymaking, non-profit, legal and business communities about these subjects. From examining issues ranging from property rights to federalism, the clinic's activities are inherently interdisciplinary, drawing on scientific, economic, and policy expertise from across the university, including from Virginia Sea Grant and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
VCPCs Work Product
Adaptive Planning for Flooding & Coastal Change in Virginia: Legal and Policy Issues for Local Government Speakers included Secretary of Natural Resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Doug Domenech, Norfolk Mayor Paul D. Fraim, Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms, Hampton Mayor Molly Ward, Virginia Delegate Christopher O. Stolle, and Virginia Senator John Watkins
VCPC Student Post- Conference Report
VCPC Takes on Adaptation Reports from the Spring semester address legal implications of hard infrastructure & other adaptation measures localities may employ Adaptation comes in all shapes & sizes Project with DCR for next semester: Working with localities to update Floodplain Ordinances into compliance under the National Flood Insurance Program Ordinance reform helps localities adapt to: o Rising Costs of Flood Insurance & o Rising Waters